We share our mountain home with cougars, and they are still being seen around our region. On May 1 at 7 p.m. you are invited to a special Town Hall at the PMC clubhouse, open to all. You’ll be able to ask all your questions in a program rich with facts from the experts. Wildlife Biologist Vickie Monroe (of hte Department of Fish and Wildlife), and representatives from The Mountain Lion Foundation. This is a free, fact-filled program about how to keep our pets and our families safe while enjoying living in these wild mountains. [Photos by Brian Wilson and Patric Hedlund]
Mountain Lions!
Save the date:
Friday, May 1
7 p.m. • Free
Pine Mountain Club
Condor Room
•Everyone is Welcome•
The Mountain Lion Foundation, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and Pine Mountain Town Hall are teaming up to bring you a Special PMC Town Hall with Johanna Turner—a wildlife trail camera expert; Robin Parks, field representative for the Mountain Lion Foundation; and Vickie Monroe, Wildlife Biologist for the CDFW.
Brought to you by Pine Mountain Club and
The Mountain Enterprise
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This is part of the April 24, 2015 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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