Schools’ API Scores Issued

Four of El Tejon Unified School District’s five schools met or exceeded their goals and posted a gain in Academic Performance Index (API) scores, according to State Superintendent of Public Instruction figures released Tuesday, Sept. 15.

Pine Mountain Learning Center performed above the statewide goal of 800, increasing 20 points from 868 to 888.

Frazier Park School had a 22 point increase, leaping from 763 to 785. El Tejon School met its improvement target of 5 points—from 751 to 756. El Tejon Continuation High School leapt 114 points, from a score of 400 to 514. Frazier Mountain High School lost 16 points, declining from a score of 715 to 699.

API scores are calculated using students’ performance on statewide assessments. These points are then averaged across all students and all tests statewide, resulting in the school’s or district’s API. The scores can range from 200 to 1000.

This is part of the September 18, 2009 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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