Scoping meeting held for 6 new solar farms

  • James Tyler from Antelope Acres asks if the loss in property values that will occur because of the solar installations will be addressed in the Silverado environmental impact report (EIR). The answer was &quotno." He was told that the L.A. County Regional Planning Commission would be able to address that issue. [Hedlund photo]

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    James Tyler from Antelope Acres asks if the loss in property values that will occur because of the solar installations will be addressed in the Silverado environmental impact report (EIR). The answer was "no." He was told that the L.A. County Regional Planning Commission would be able to address that issue. [Hedlund photo]

  • Logan Craig of Silverado Power speaks with Neenach residents and contractors Allen Headley and Bobby Plumlee. Plumlee expressed concern about the need for better law enforcement in the Western Antelope Valley.

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    Logan Craig of Silverado Power speaks with Neenach residents and contractors Allen Headley and Bobby Plumlee. Plumlee expressed concern about the need for better law enforcement in the Western Antelope Valley.

Scoping comments will be taken until Monday, July 23 (see letter below)
A “scoping meeting” was held July 14 at the Lancaster library to define the scope of the questions neighbors wish to see answered in the environmental impact report (EIR) being prepared for six solar facilities planned by Silverado Power, most in unincorporated areas of the Western Antelope Valley.

The utility-scale solar generating facilites will cluster on the outskirts of the Lancaster, Antelope Acres and Fairmont areas, including near the California Poppy Preserve. TetraTech of Irvine will work with L.A. County to prepare the report, estimated to take at least eight months. Next week, we’ll look at the questions covered.—Patric Hedlund

Update: Additional scoping comments (questions and concerns about impacts of the proposed facilities) will be taken until Monday, July 23 to L.A. County at .

July 20, 2012

Dear Patric Hedlund,

Thank you for attending the scoping meeting for Silverado Power West Los Angeles County Projects. The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) scoping comment period ends today, but comments will be accepted until Monday, July 23. We appreciate you taking the time to provide comments on the scope of the EIR. All comments received at the meeting or by mail will be included in the appendix section of the Draft EIR prepared by Los Angeles County.

Silverado is excited to bring responsible development to the Antelope Valley Area while meeting the community’s high standards. Our solar projects will help the State reach their renewable energy goals- California’s Renewable Portfolio Standard, which requires state utilities to use 33% renewable power by 2020.

The EIR is being prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process and will analyze the potential environmental impacts of construction and operation of the solar generation facilities.

The purpose of the EIR is: 1) identify and inform decision makers and the public of the range of reasonable alternatives; 2) determine the potential impact on environmental resources; 3) identify methods to reduce, avoid, and minimize potential impacts; 4) provide opportunity for public input in the impact analysis and decision-making process; 5) ensure that decision makers are fully aware of potential environmental impacts before making a decision.

As mentioned at the scoping meeting, the areas of study include aesthetics, agricultural resources, air quality, biological/cultural resources, energy, geology and soils, hazardous waste/materials, hydrology and water quality, land use, noise, public services, transportation and traffic, utilities, Climate Change and greenhouse gases.

All relevant documents related to these projects can be found on the County’s website. Please check back to this website for the Draft EIR. Once completed, it will be circulated for public review and comment, likely in early 2013.

Silverado Power’s approach to project siting depends on establishing and maintaining a strong working relationship with the local residents. We look forward to becoming a positive partner in your community. We are eager to hear your input, answer your questions, and address any concerns you may have.

We are always available for questions by email at or by phone at 415-692-7740.


Garret Bean

Permitting and Environmental Compliance Manager
Silverado Power


This is part of the July 20, 2012 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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