Applications are being taken for this year?s Fiesta Days Queen. Emily Brennan, Jessie Corral and Cheyenne Hirst all competed for the honor last year. Community service, academic achievement and a broad range of individual talents are important considerations in the selection.
By Julia Jens
The search is on for the 41st annual Fiesta Days Queen. How would you like to ride in the parade waving to the crowds, oversee competitions, congratulate winners and preside over the teen dance as the royal court?
Teenage girls entering ninth grade or older, between ages 13 and 18, are encouraged to apply. The competition for the crown takes place Saturday, July 19 at Cuddy Hall.
Applications are available at Mountain Top Video and Bill Kidd Farmer’s Insurance (3620 Mt. Pinos Way). The application deadline is Friday, July 11, 2008 at 5 p.m. Turn in applications at the same locations. For further information, please call Julia Jens at 245-3924.
This is part of the June 20, 2008 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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