A second well probe came in dry in Lake of the Woods last week. Finding only 1.9 gallons per minute, the water company’s quest for a new source of water must continue. Below, The LOW Mutual Water Company board met with David Warner of Self-Help Enterprises who suggested bringing together well owners of the area into a committee to explore new regional solutions to many problems. [photo by Gary Meyer]
By Patric Hedlund
A tall glass of moist dirt
“We came up with moist dirt at 400 feet,” Water Operator Rafael Molina, Jr. told Lake of the Woods Mutual Water Company customers at the monthly board meeting September 5. He was reporting about the test well that had been drilled behind the old gas station at Cuddy Valley and Lockwood Valley…
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This is part of the September 13, 2013 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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