By Gary Meyer, TME
You might ask, “Why is it such a big deal that Shelter On The Hill just celebrated its 10th birthday?”
At five months old, a cat begins breeding. In one year, that one cat, if not an indoor pet with a home, will typically produce 12 offspring outdoors. The math from there, for all the offspring, becomes a bit scary:
2 years = 67
3 years= 376
4 years = 2,107
5 years = 11,801
6 years = 66,088
7 years = 370,092
8 years = 2,072,54
9 years = 11,606,077
…and that’s just the cats.
Shelter On The Hill has put a significant barrier in the path of this happening all over our…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)
Photo captions:
Above: At SOTH’s 10th birthday party, Penelope was eager to get started!
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This is part of the June 14, 2024 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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