By Bonnie Kane
Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church invites the community to their free summer barbecue at the church (6700 Lakewood Drive) in Lake of the Woods.
It will be held on Saturday, Aug. 9 from 12 to 3 p.m.
All are invited—children too of course. Come to meet others from the congregation; enjoy the picnic lunch and fellowship.
Vacation Bible School
“Surprise of the Unknown” is the theme of this year’s Vacation Bible School at Shepherd of the Mountains. The dates are August 4-8, from 9 a.m. to noon. There will be stories, songs, crafts and snacks. The VBS week ends with a Friday evening program performed by the children at 7 p.m. Refreshments will be served.
For questions about VBS, contact us at 661.245.3858.
This is part of the August 1, 2014 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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