Sign up for Bloomer Tea

By Patric Hedlund

Admit it: Looking at other people’s underwear is not just fun, it is irresistible.

The Ridge Route Communities Museum in Frazier Park is offering a chance to gaze to our hearts’ content at historic bloomers, corsets, pantalettes, bustiers and petticoats from the 1800s at their “Bloomer Tea Party.”

Historian Bonnie Kane urges you to sign up today to reserve your spot for the event: “A unique and enjoyable program will be offered at 2 p.m. on Thursday, April 9.  

“Museum staff will display and show the many items of undergarments in their collection, dating back to the 1800’s. This Bloomer Tea Party will offer participants tea and refreshments and a fun afternoon. 

There is a $10 charge for this fundraising event and seating is limited, so please register now by calling the museum at 661.245.7747 or send an email to”

Don’t forget there is also a pine needle basket weaving class this Saturday, March 28. Reserve your spot. The materials kit for your basket costs $10. This is a fun event to share with family and friends.

This is part of the March 27, 2015 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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