By Patric Hedlund and Marcy Axness, TME
California’s Governor Gavin Newsom said Monday that a gradual, phase-by-phase opening of the state’s economic infrastructure will begin this Friday, May 8. It will start with retail businesses.
On Tuesday, Kern County released covid-19 infection data for the Mountain Communities by zip code, at last. There have been nine (9) local cases documented so far, from Lebec (2); through Frazier Park (5); to Pine Mountain Club (2). Testing is still difficult to obtain, but free appointments for tests of symptomatic people are being set.
The retail businesses of our mountain villages provide needed services and goods. They are bright spots of fun and comfort. Our restaurants are places where we used to gather with friends and neighbors, to enjoy a meal, a beer, a coffee.
Building A Cautious New Normal
We asked local small business people about their plans for this gradual opening.
Curt Spyrka is co-owner and manager at Ace Hardware, an essential…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)
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Signs covered the town on March 23. Some of these—but not all—are gone now.
Before covid-19, Cottage Garden hosted crowds and musicians. Owner Robert Koehler is still building on his vision while he waits for coronavirus to go away.
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This is part of the May 8, 2020 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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