SoCal Gas repairs potholes on six miles of Old Ridge Route

By Sydney Croasmun, Ridge Route Preservation Organization

Ridge Route Preservation Organization is so excited to announce that SoCal Gas has offered to repair potholes six miles of the Old Ridge Route. This includes the stretch off the 138 near Gorman, which is open to the public. This will greatly increase accessibility for the public, make access for pipeline maintenance easier and provide smoother access for emergency services, such as fire and ambulances.

This came to light after SoCal Gas had been doing maintenance on their pipeline. Part of the agreement when it comes to protecting this historic road is to lay heavy rubber mats along the edges of the concrete and areas where the road is crumbling…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)

Photo captions:

Above: SoCal Gas crews working on Old Ridge Route

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This is part of the February 28, 2025 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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