Warren Pechin Said to Have Practiced Five Years Without a License
A Kern County Department of Construction Services architect has been sanctioned by the California Architects Board (CAB) for practicing without a license.
Warren Earle Pechin was fined $2,000, according to the organization’s Spring 2011 bulletin. The period in which he practiced with an expired license was 2001-2006.
Pechin has introduced himself as the supervising architect for the Kern County Branch Library in Frazier Park. Residents who live south of the library expressed outrage at his comments belittling their concerns in August 2010. They were meeting with him about the drainage plan for the library. That meeting led to the county building a series of barrier fences neighbors have called “ugly and offensive.”
As a county staff person often at the building site, Pechin has been criticized in the community for not requiring implementation of the design architect’s orders to protect the heritage oak trees at the library site.
Library Director Diane Duquette promised in numerous public meetings that the trees would be protected. The protective measures were outlined as part of the architectural plans which are incorporated into the construction company’s contract.
But the protective guidelines were not followed and multiple heritage oak trees were damaged and killed, causing vocal criticism, accusing Kern County’s Construction Services Department of inadequate supervision and oversight.
Pechin is also supervising architect for the new Pine Mountain fire station being built by Kern County.
The CAB mission is “public protection through examination, licensure and regulation,” according to their website.
The Mountain Enterprise called Mr. Pechin at the Kern County Construction Services Department. He said, “I’m not going to answer any questions, now or any time in the future.” Calls to his supervisor were not answered. The telephone number to Pechin Associates Architects has been disconnected. —P. Hedlund
Below is the report as it is published on page 13 of the CAB Spring Newsletter in a section titled “Enforcement Actions.”
Warren Earle Pechin
(Bakersfield) The [CAB] Board issued a two-count administrative citation that included a $2,000 civil penalty to Warren Earle Pechin, architect license number C-8366, for alleged violations of BPC sections 5536(a) and (b) (Practice Without License or Holding Self Out as Architect). The actions alleged that while Pechin’s license was expired, he presented a proposal to a client for professional services on letterhead which stated “pechin & associates architect aia inc.”
He then executed a Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect for Housing Services to provide architectural custom residence drawings for a new residence, a home office complex, a 10-car garage/motor court, a pool cabana/pool complex and collaboration on site landscaping for a 20 acre parcel. The agreement contained the words “Architectural” and “Architect” throughout. Pechin affixed an architect’s stamp to plans for the above-referenced project.
The stamp contained his name, license number, “Licensed Architect,” the legend “State of California,” and a false expiration date of August 31, 2005. Pechin’s architect license expired on August 31, 2001 and was not renewed until August 15, 2006. Pechin paid the civil penalty, satisfying the citation. The citation became effective on November 10, 2010.
This is part of the May 27, 2011 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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