By Gary Meyer
A ruling on Monday, April 20 by California’s 4th District Court of Appeal may affect two water agencies here in the Mountain Community.
Taxpayers sued the City of San Juan Capistrano, claiming the city’s 2011 tiered water rate increase violates provisions within Proposition 218, which requires public agencies to hold a vote of affected property owners on any proposed…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)
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While Frazier Park and Lebec water districts were not involved in the court’s ruling, each is a public agency using tiered rates as a vital tool to encourage conservation. They must comply with Governor Brown’s “25% cut” mandate due to the drought.
Above: FPPUD and drought-struck LOW water boards explore options at a December, 2014 meeting with Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) Director Rebecca Moore.
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This is part of the April 24, 2015 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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