CSI is not just a TV detective show anymore. The new California Solar Incentive (CSI) program has been funded with $350 million to offer homeowners up to $1,500 for installing solar water heaters.
The California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) announced the plan on January 21. Southern California Edison is taking applications now. Pacific Gas & Electric will begin accepting applications by April 1 for residences (and May 1 for multi-family and non-residential systems).
Residential customers who replace natural gas water heaters with a solar-powered system can receive rebates up to $1,500. Receive $1,010 for swapping an electric water heater for solar. A 30 percent tax credit from the federal government is also available.
Owners of multi-family and commercial buildings may receive up to $500,000 in rebates to replace natural gas heaters and up to $250,000 to replace electric systems.
Rebates are retroactive for those who had solar water heaters in place since August 2009.
Residential solar systems cost $6,000-8,000, so rebates will reduce the overall cost by 15 to 25 percent, said Andrew Kotch, on behalf of the PUC.
The earlier you apply, the higher the rebate. The offer will decrease over eight years until December 31, 2017—or until the program funds are depleted.
Kotch said that propane users are not covered by the CSI. He explained that fees to gas utility users finance the incentive plan and that propane companies do not pay into that program.
To learn more, contact your gas and electric power companies. Southern California Edison and Pacific Gas & Electric serve the Mountain Communities.
Southern California Edison
See www.sce.com/solarleadership/gosolar/; ask for the CSI Program Administrator at (800) 799-4177 or email CSIGroup@sce.com.
Pacific Gas and Electric
See www.pge.com/csi; contact CSI Program Manager at (877) 743-4112, use the Solar Hotline: (415) 973-3480 or email solar@pge.com
This is part of the January 29, 2010 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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