Supervisor candidate Kelly Carden Jr visits Frazier Park

  • Supervisor candidate Kelly Carden meets with community members at Cave Man Cavey's Pizza

    Supervisor candidate Kelly Carden meets with community members at Cave Man Cavey's Pizza

By Sean Ridgway, TME

It’s election season and our district isn’t exempt from feeling the pressure. When previous representative Zack Scrivner vacated the seat as Kern County District 2 Supervisor on August 2, he left the remainder of his term open and six candidates are now vying for the vacant seat.

All six candidates met at the Chamber of Commerce in Mojave last month. A majority of them said that the forgotten communities of District 2 needed a representative who will give them the attention they deserve. On Thursday, September 5, candidate Kelly Carden Jr.,

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Photo captions:

Above: Supervisor candidate Kelly Carden Jr addresses some community members.

Above: Carden listens to the concerns of some residents of District 2

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This is part of the September 13, 2024 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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