By Patric Hedlund, TME
Kids! Get moving: Entries to the 6th Annual Mountain Youth Photo Contest are being accepted until THIS SATURDAY, MARCH 2.
Photographers 6 to 18 years of age are encouraged to explore their worlds through images.
Use the submission form on page 14 in today’s newspaper. Each photo must be accompanied by that form (which can also be downloaded using the link below). Digital photos (yes, cell phone photos are welcome!) must be 2MB in size or larger. That allows the gallery to make beautiful prints for display.
The contest includes an awards ceremony and a display of all entries at the Frazier Park Library on March 23 at 5 p.m. Cash prizes are sponsored by Friends of the Frazier Park Library. Photographers can win up to $160 in cash prizes from the contest, plus sell prints of their photos and keep all the proceeds in a special Artworks Community Gallery display of the youths’ work at a pizza party in Pine Mountain Village.
At the gallery party, the public is invited to buy the photos for $20 each, and the young photographers receive all the funds from the sales.
This annual contest is a celebration of the joy of sharing creativity. It is an act of love for our Mountain Community youth.
The contest is made possible through donations of funds from Friends of the Frazier Park Library; donations of gallery display skill, labor and financial subsidy by Artworks Community Gallery; mentoring and volunteer judging by professional photographers; participation by community schools and educators who help community youth become involved; and donation of publicity and financial subsidy from The Mountain Enterprise newspaper.
Okay: Ready, Set, GO…the deadline is just four weeks away!
Photo captions:
2018 Grand Prize winner Bryan Rodriguez, 18, showed his brother in Los Angeles.
Photo contest founder Mel Weinstein with 2018 special prize winner Samantha Trost, 9.
To see full stories with photos, please purchase a copy of the newspaper at many locations (click this link for a list) throughout the Mountain Communities.
Or, have your newspaper delivered via mail and include internet access. Just call 661-245-3794. Classified ads are FREE to paid subscribers! See front page at for details.
The e-Edition is available now with full photos and stories at The Mountain Enterprise e-Edition. Select the 2019-0201 edition.
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This is part of the March 1, 2019 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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