In what appears to be a tragic Easter day accident, a 18-month-old toddler
tumbled into an unused jacuzzi at her aunt’s backyard on Spruce Trail in Frazier
Park Sunday, April 8.
Kern County firefighters from Station #57 were called for medical assistance
about noon. The child, Gabriela Montoya, was taken by helicopter to Antelope
Valley Hospital. She was pronounced dead at 1:31 p.m. after attempts to
resuscitate her were unsuccessful.
On Monday, Senior Deputy Vincent Martinez and a worker from Kern County’s
Child Protective Services were “interviewing people and investigating,” Kern
County Sheriff’s Sgt. Dave Barker said. The Kern County Coroner’s Office
performed an autopsy Tuesday, April 10 where it was determined the death was an
accidental drowning.
This is part of the April 13, 2007 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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