Tourist Kiosk in Lebec Gets Ready to Rock

Forty Thousand Pound Boulder Flies into Flying J

"Very scary!" reports Michael Berg, "41,100 lbs. of stubborn mass deciding when and where it wanted to lay. The workers looked like ants next to the behemoth as it fought all efforts to resist gravity." Berg was reporting about the very impressive rock that has been trucked up the Grapevine and lifted with a crane into place at the northeast corner of the Flying J property. A world-class interactive tourist information kiosk for the Mountain Communities and Kern County is being installed there.

The kiosk was created by the Kern County Board of Trade. Ours is the first outside kiosk of this type being installed, Supervisor Ray Watson said at the ground breaking for the site in September 2007. The surrounding display cases and benches are now being built, with opening expected this summer.

In the meantime, beware of the flying boulder: "I would stay away until the cement dries sometime next week," Berg concluded, with a chuckle.

This is part of the April 18, 2008 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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