Two of Frazier’s Fittest Run with Joy Toward The Future

  • [photo by Dionne Bolton]

    [photo by Dionne Bolton]

By Christy Zimmerman, FMHS faculty / Cross country coach

What to do on a summer day when you are waiting for college to start? Plan and run a marathon from Mount Pinos to Lebec, of course! Two Class of 2021 Frazier Mountain High School graduates decided to run their own race before they head off to college. Remember, a marathon is 26.2 miles.

Hunter Hawley and Madison Glover have been friends since third grade, and they both…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)

Photo captions:

Hunter Hawley and Madison Glover have been pals for 10 years.

Above: Proof positive of their accomplishment was displayed on Madison’s Garmin; Right: Their faces showed exhaustion, relief and pride at the finish line.

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This is part of the July 30, 2021 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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