Send Mountain Community events to
Now through Saturday, Feb. 14
- Comments being accepted on Holiday Inn Express (on Wainright Court, Lebec) negative declaration on environmental impact. Send to Lee Takikawa, USDA Rural Development, 4625 W. Jennifer, Suite #126, Fresno, CA 93722.
Now through Saturday, Feb. 28
- Applications accepted for Mountain Memories grants. C/O Grant Request, P.O. Box 858, Frazier Park, Ca 93225. (661) 431-8260.
Thursday, Feb. 5
- AARP meeting 12 p.m. Ft. Tejon CHP Officer Mark Ehly speaks on personal safety, service and security. Frazier Mtn. Park Comm. Center, 300 Park Dr. 245-4320.
- El Tejon School PTSO meeting 2:30 p.m.
- El Tejon Unified School District Bond Oversight Committee meeting 5 p.m. District offices, 4337 Lebec Road, Lebec.
- El Tejon Unified School District Science Fair 6-7:30 p.m. El Tejon School.
Saturday, Feb. 7
- Second Annual California Volunteer Event at Fort Tejon State Historical Park. 248-6692 or (see calendar) for reenactors’ registration form. Park will be open to the public featuring hands-on, interpretive demonstrations.
- Open Auditions for 2009 Mountain Shakespeare Festival performances 4-8 p.m. at Mountain Institute of Kung Fu, 3532 Mt. Pinos Way, FP. Open to all ages.
- Condor Group of the Sierra Club meeting 7 p.m. Two videos: “Groundwater” and “Conjunctive Use of Water” plus presentation by Sarah Edwards on Living Locally. Condor room. All welcome.
- *Karaoke with Mark Bailey, Condor Lounge 7-11 p.m. Pine Mountain*
- Above Ground live at Sue’s Tavern 9 p.m. 3440 Mt. Pinos Way. 245-1100.
Sunday, Feb. 8
- Second Annual Calif. Volunteer Event at Fort Tejon See February 7.
- Last day to RSVP for Valentine’s Dinner and Concert at Lebec Community Church on February 13. RSVP to Joyce Noble 248-6251.
Monday, Feb. 9 — Lincoln’s Birthday
- The Mountain Enterprise will be open for Lincoln’s Birthday.
- ETUSD Lincoln’s Birthday holiday. No school.
- Presidential Holiday at CALM 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $1 off regular admission for children age 3-17. 10500 Alfred Harrell Hwy, Bkfld. (661) 872-2256 or
Tuesday, Feb. 10
- County of Kern Veteran’s Service Department representative here to help veterans 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Family Resource Ctr. 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park. 245-4303.
- CWC Tea featuring Handbell performance by Christine Anderson 10:30 a.m. VFW Post 9791, 616 Canada Tr., FP. RSVP 245-3031.
- Celebrate Black History Month: African Rhythm Story Time at Beale Memorial Library 3:30 p.m. 701 Truxtun Ave, Bkfld. (661) 868-0753.
Wednesday, Feb. 11
- Last day to comment on unmet transit needs. Send to Kern Regional Transit, 2700 M Street, Bkfld, 93301-2375.
- Census Jobs Testing 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Family Resource Center meeting room, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way. (866) 861-2010 or for info. on ID and to practice test.
- El Tejon School Site Council Meeting 3 p.m. Teacher’s Lounge.
Thursday, Feb. 12
- Frazier Park School PTSO meeting 2:10 p.m. Library.
- Frazier Park School Site Council meeting 2:30 p.m. Teacher’s Lounge.
Friday, Feb. 13
- Valentine’s Dinner and Concert at Lebec Community Church, with Reseda Gospelaires Quartet 6 p.m. 2350 Lebec Road. Free, donations accepted for concert and dinner. RSVP by Sunday, Feb. 8 to Joyce Noble 248-6251.
- *Pine Mountain Club Town Hall meeting 7-9 p.m. Condor room*
Saturday, Feb. 14 — Happy Valentine’s Day
- Sweetheart Deal fundraiser for Boy’s & Girl’s Club. Look for a list of participating businesses in their ad on page 3 in this week’s print edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
- Clean Up the Ridge Route Day is cancelled–to resume March 14.
- *Viva Valentine’s Day Romantic Dinner For Two at Pine Mountain Club. 5-9 p.m. Special couple’s menu. Reservations necessary 242-3788.*
- *Joe Croyle Live at the Condor Lounge 7-11 p.m. Pine Mountain. *
- Frazier Park live at Sue’s Tavern 9 p.m. 3440 Mt. Pinos Way. 245-1100.
Sunday, Feb. 15
- Deadline for ordering Angel Food boxes for Feb. 28 distribution. 12 noon. Vineyard Church, 729 Pomona Trail. 245-3334.
Monday, Feb. 16 — President’s Day
- The Mountain Enterprise will be open for President’s Day.
- ETUSD President’s Day holiday. No school.
- Presidential Holiday at CALM 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $1 off regular admission for children age 3-17. 10500 Alfred Harrell Hwy, Bkfld. (661) 872-2256 or
Wednesday, Feb. 18
- Self Defense Workshop 6-9 p.m. Alliance Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault offices, 1921 19th St., Bakersfield (661) 322-0931. Free. Limited to first 30 reservations.
Saturday, Feb. 21
- Free Fruit Tree Pruning Demo by Michelle Maga 10 a.m. M&M Peach Farm, 48745 Three Points Rd. (Hwy 138 east, right on Three Points Rd.) RSVP to 245-6950.
- *Briter Daze debuts live at the Condor Lounge 7-11 p.m. Pine Mountain *
- Wildside live at Sue’s Tavern 9 p.m. 3440 Mt. Pinos Way. 245-1100.
Tuesday, Feb. 24
- Pine Mountain Learning Center School Advisory Council mtg. 2:15 p.m.
This is part of the February 06, 2009 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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