Send Mountain Community events to or call 245-3794.
Thursday, November 5
- Deadline to sign up for Toys for Tots. Family Resource Center, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, 245-4303. Distribution will be December 22.
- AARP Thanksgiving Feast 12 noon Frazier Mtn. Park Community Center. 245-2234.
- The Wizard of Oz presented by the Frazier Mountain High School Drama Club 7 p.m. $7 general, $5 seniors and students, $3 age six and under. FMHS.
Friday, November 6
- FMHS Class of 2010 Blood Donor Drive 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Frazier Mountain High School library. Call Danielle at (661) 361-8639 to make an appointment.
- Annual Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair hosted by Ridge Route Comm. Museum and Historical Society 12-5 p.m. Frazier Mtn. Park Comm. Ctr. (300 Park Drive). 245-7747.
- Free Swine flu shots to priority groups by Kern Co. Dept. of Public Health. 2-4 p.m. while supply lasts. El Camino Pines Lutheran Church, 6700 Lakewood Place, LOW. Carpool from Pine Mountain Clubhouse parking lot available.
- The Wizard of Oz by the FMHS Drama Club 7 p.m. $7/$5/$3. At FMHS.
- Karaoke at Sue’s Tavern 9 p.m. 3400 Mt. Pinos Way. 245-1100.
Saturday, November 7
- Firewood Benefit Sale by Mt. Pinos Area Fire Safe Council 9 a.m.-3 p.m. (or til sold out) $125/cord mixed pine. Cash only, buyer transports. Fire Station 56 in Lebec.
- Annual Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair hosted by Ridge Route Comm. Museum and Historical Society 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Frazier Mtn. Park Comm. Ctr. (300 Park Drive). 245-7747
- Gala Groundbreaking Ceremony for new Frazier Park Library 10 a.m. 300 Park Drive. Music, entertainment, refreshments, celebration.
- Dragoon Era Living History at Fort Tejon State Historical Park. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. $2-5 admission ($14 maximum for families). 248-6692 or
- El Camino Pines Lutheran Camp 50th Anniversary 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Worship, carnival games, hiking, buffet lunch, displays, prizes and giveaways. 11900 Frontier Road. 245-3519.
- The Wizard of Oz by the FMHS Drama Club, 2 and 7 p.m. $7/$5/$3. At FMHS.
- *Karaoke with Mark Bailey at the Condor Lounge 6-10 p.m. Pine Mtn. Clubhouse.
- Gypsy Moon live at Sue’s Tavern 9 p.m. 3400 Mt. Pinos Way. 245-1100.
Tuesday, November 10
- Mountain Communities Municipal Advisory Council (McMAC) meeting 12 noon. Assembly of God Church (3224 Mt. Pinos Way, FP, next to Dream Castle). Open to public.
Wednesday, November 11 — Veterans Day
- The Mountain Enterprise will be open for Veterans Day. Schools will be closed.
- Veterans Day Ceremony at 11 a.m. Cody Prosser Veterans Memorial, FP.
- Los Padres National Forest “Fee Free” Day. Adventure passes not required.
Thursday, November 12
- Kern County Energy Summit: Kern County’s Emerging Energy Technologies 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. Bkfld Mariott, 801 Truxtun Ave. $50 registration,
- Congressman Kevin McCarthy’s mobile office hours 10-11 a.m. Family Resource Center, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park. For appointments call (661) 327-3611.
- Assemblymember Jean Fuller’s mobile office hours 3-5 p.m. Family Resource Center, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park. For appointments call (661) 395-2995.
- Garden Pathways “Garden Party” fundraiser with speaker Congressman Kevin McCarthy 7:30 p.m. $75, (661) 633-9133.
Friday, November 13
- Deadline to submit free listings for Dec. Pioneer’s Shop The Mountain.
- Parents’ deadline to apply for free tutoring for FP, ET students 248-6680
- Deadline to submit completed survey to County of Kern Community and Economic Development Department. Available at (661) 862-5020.
- Mountain Communities SPCA Giant Barn Sale in Cuddy Valley. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. To donate please call 245-3035.
- Pine Mountain Town Hall 7 p.m. Clubhouse Pool Pavilion. Mil Potrero Water Company’s Steve Wieneke to discuss rates and basic procedures. 242-3788.
- *Blues & Jazz Club: Ak & Zuie 7-10 p.m. Pine Mountain Clubhouse. $15.
Saturday, November 14
- Mtn. Comm. SPCA Giant Barn Sale. Cuddy Valley. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 245-3035.
- Center of the World Festival Eco-Drama sampler 6-8 p.m.—an introduction to playwrights and volunteers. Call Shelia for directions at 242-1583.
- Clean Up the Ridge Route, meet 9 a.m. at the Ranch House Restaurant in Gorman, 49713 Gorman Post Rd. Wear work clothes and bring gloves. 242-2726, (866) 262-7594.
- Optimal Hospice Care volunteer training 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Bkfld. RSVP (661) 716-4000.
- Soy Candle Making Class by Christine Buma 1 p.m. $10. RSVP 242-1267.
- Los Padres Estates Property Owner’s Association biannual meeting 1 p.m. El Tejon School Cafeteria.
- *Smooth Groove live at the Condor Lounge 6-10 p.m. Pine Mtn. Clubhouse.
*PMC Residents/Guests only
This is part of the November 06, 2009 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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