Ongoing June-July-August
- Mountain Shakespeare Festival presents Taming of the Shrew and The Odd Couple, every weekend June 29 through July 24 in the Pine Mountain Village Gazebo. $10/$5 admission, see full schedule at (242-6904).
- Lori Murphy is June’s Artist of the Month at Work of Heart Gallery (3011 Mt. Pinos Way, FP).
- AYSO: Sign up for the 4th of July 3v3 Soccerfest by July 3 or Challenger British Soccer Camp by July 19. Call Beth at (661) 877-1621 for more information
- Sign up for Focus Central’s Art Camp 5 through July 19 (camp will be July 19-23). $50/ week or $15/day. To RSVP call Mary at (661) 204-6569, or visit Discounts and scholarships available.
- ‘10 Keys to a Successful Marriage’ free seminar for women every Tuesday through August 10 from 10-11:45 a.m. at Lebec Church, 2350 Lebec Road. Childcare $2. (248-2004)
- Beading classes at A Spot of Bead, see for schedule of classes through June. Call 245-4400 to sign up.
Thursday, June 24
- Kern Economic Development annual Board of Director’s meeting will be at 3 p.m. at the Tejon Ranch Company Headquarters, 4436 Lebec Rd. (661-862-5156)
- Yoga at Jizo Peace Center at 6:30 p.m. 3012 Pioneer Way, Pine Mtn. Free (242-6956)
Friday, June 25
- Beginner/Intermediate Landscape Watercolor class is from 2-4 p.m. at the Art Studio (3701 Mt. Pinos Way). $25 includes all supplies. Please RSVP to Mary (661) 204-6569.
- The Dance Studio’s year-end recital ‘Heart Beats’ at 6:30 p.m. in El Tejon School Auditorium, $7 at the door. Refreshments will be sold during the show (also Saturday).
- *Blues and Jazz Club: Steve Eisen & New Orleans Nouveau 7 p.m. Condor Lounge, Pine Mtn. Club, $15/$17 ($20 at door if avail., 242-3788 for tickets, members and nonmember guests)
- Compassion Film Night: Great Woman Artists, Georgia O’Keefe begins at 7 p.m. at the Jizo Peace Center, 2012 Pioneer Way, Pine Mountain. Free (242-6956)
- Karaoke at Sue’s Tavern starts at 9 p.m. 3440 Mt. Pinos Way, 245-1100
Saturday, June 26
- Red Cross Introduction for New Disaster Volunteers class 1-4 p.m. Pine Mountain Club Condor Room, all are welcome.
- Lake of the Woods SDA Vacation Bible School every day from 1:30-4:30 p.m. through Friday at Cuddy Hall (335 Lakewood Place). For preschool to 5th grade. $5/child. Call Erika at 248-6122 or email to sign up.
- Frazier Park Library Summer Reading Program hosts The Magic of Christopher Lopez with performance at 2 p.m. (3015 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park, 245-1267), free.
- Benefit for Simba Roberts, celebrating his achievements on the mountain, 2-4 p.m. Cuddy Hall (335 Lakewood Place, LOW). Raffle and auction to help Simba move closer to medical care. Live music by Kwan Hearns and Friends. (242-2931 or 242-2153).
- Grapevine Glitter Elite barbecue fundraiser followed by Family Feud game 3-5 p.m. barbecue ($5 per plate), doors for Feud open at 5:30 p.m. ($5 per spectator), game at 6 p.m. Call (661) 972-6622 if you’d like to participate in the Feud. 3524-A Mt. Pinos Way, FP
- *Concert on the Green: Skinny Little Twits live at 5:30 p.m. Pine Mountain golf course. Mountain Communities SPCA Silent Auction at the concert, call 245-3035 to donate.
- The Dance Studio’s year-end recital ‘Heart Beats’ at 6:30 p.m. in El Tejon School Auditorium, $7 at the door. Refreshments will be sold during the show.
- *Bryter Daze live 7:30 p.m. Pine Mountain Clubhouse Lounge. 242-3788
- Teddy and Teresa Spanky live at Reyes Creek Bar and Grill, Camp Scheideck, Lockwood Valley. 8 p.m. (661) 766-2521
- Kwan Hearns’ Project live at Sue’s Tavern 9 p.m. 3440 Mt. Pinos Way, 245-1100
Sunday, June 27
- Our Lady of the Snows’ 29th Annual Community BBQ serves from12-4 p.m. at 7115 Lakewood Drive, LOW. Tickets are $10/$5. Mass is held at 9 and 11 a.m.
- Children’s crafts and storytime reading at Chatterpillar, 1:30-2:45 p.m. 3105-C Mt. Pinos Way, 245-2464, free (see story pg. 3 of the June edition of The Mountain Pioneer)
Tuesday, June 29
- Frazier Park Library Summer Reading Program offers Deep Blue Oceans children’s story time and crafts, 11:30 a.m. (3015 Mt. Pinos Way, FP, 245-1267), free.
Wednesday, June 30
- Delinquent Property Taxes are due to Kern County Treasurer and Tax Collector today. Pay online at or via mail/in person to KCTTC, 1115 Truxtun Avenue, 2nd floor, Bakersfield, 93301 (661-868-3490)
- AYSO Regular Registration at Mike’s Pizza, Lake of the Woods, 5-8 p.m.
Friday, July 2
- New date: Kern County Veterans Service Dept. Representative at the Family Resource Center 9 a.m.-12 noon, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way. 245-4303, free help for all veterans and their spouses. Continues every first Friday.
Saturday, July 3
- AYSO Region 382’s 4th of July 3v3 Soccerfest at Frazier Mountain Community Park. $15 per player, open to all Fall 2009 players (see ad pg. 10, 661-877-1621)
- *Concert on the Green: Rick Berthod 5:30 p.m. Pine Mountain golf course. Mountain Communities SPCA Silent Auction at the concert, please call 245-3035 to donate.
- *Madd Doggs play live at the Pine Mountain Clubhouse Condor Room 7-11 p.m.
- Live band “11” plays Reyes Creek Bar and Grill, Camp Scheideck, Lockwood Valley. 8 p.m. (661) 766-2521
Sunday, July 4 — Happy Independence Day!
- AARP Potluck Picnic at Frazier Mountain Community Park, time TBD (245-1995)
Wednesday, July 7
- Kern County Zoning Ordinance Revision Workshop 6:30 p.m. Frazier Mountain Park Community Center, 300 Park Drive
Thursday, July 8
- Assemblymember Jean Fuller’s office hours are from 3-5 p.m. at the Frazier Park Library, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way. Call (661) 395-2995 to make an appointment.
Saturday, July 10
- Hope National’s Searching the Heart Women’s Conference: Abiding in the Unfailing Love of God 8:30 a.m-3:30 p.m. at Cuddy Hall, 335 Lakewood Pl., free, all ladies welcome, please RSVP to Jodie,
- *Pine Mountain Club Community and Employee Appreciation Picnic is from 3-7p.m. in Lampkin Park. Please bring a dish to share (burgers and hot dogs provided). Meet the new directors and employees while enjoying live music by Bandit.
This is part of the June 25, 2010 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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