Upcoming & Ongoing plus Regular Weekly and Monthly Events

For listing in the newspaper and online, send community events by Thursday at 2 p.m. to Calendar@MountainEnterprise.com or call 661.245.3794


Saturday, Dec. 12, 2020

• Truckin’ Santa is coming to the mountain! Kids of all ages are invited to bring gifts, donations and their Letters to Santa, to any of these four locations listed below. Social distancing and masks will be required. There will be containers where you may place your gifts, cards or donations, and a ‘Special Delivery’ basket kids can place their Letters to Santa. He will truck by again Saturday, Dec. 12. See story on page 14 of the print edition.

This event has been postponed until the covid surge has passed, for safety of all. A music and merriment fundraiser for Falcon’s Nest is 12–4 p.m. on the Falcon’s Nest patio. Social distancing and masks will be required.

Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2020

• The Mt. Pinos chapter of the Kern Fire Safe Council holds a community-wide webinar, 4 p.m., on the topic of “Winter Fire Safety and SCE’s Ongoing Fire Mitigation Work.” Speakers from Kern County Fire Department and Southern California Edison will be featured. To attend via Zoom, go to join.zoom.us, use Meeting ID 837 4340 7353 and Password 530173. The webinar can also be watched via Facebook Live (in real time or later, as a replay) at the Kern Fire Safe Council Facebook page. Questions? Call 661.246.3955.


Mountain Community Restaurant Service During Covid-19 Social Distancing

Frazier Park

Red Dot Vegetarian Kitchen: Outdoor dining, delivery and take-out, 6 a.m.–9 p.m. daily: 661.245.4733

Big John’s Mountain Grill: Indoor dining and take-out, 7 a.m.–2:15 p.m. daily: 661.245.2292

La Sierra: Take-out or outside dining, cash only; Tues–Fri 10-8, Sat. 9–8, Sun. 9–4; Delivery 2–6:30 p.m. (to Frazier Park, Lake of the Woods, Pinon Pines and Cuddy Valley): 661.245.3628

Sue’s Tavern: Call 661.245.1100

Falcon’s Nest: Outdoor dining, take-out or delivery, 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Monday–Saturday; closed Sunday: 661.245.4400

Caveman Cavey’s Pizza: Patio dining, take-out, 11 a.m.–9 p.m. Sunday–Thursday and 11 a.m.–10 p.m. Friday–Saturday: 661.245.1474

Mike’s Pizza: Outdoor patio and Take-out, 11 a.m.–8 p.m. Sunday–Thursday and 11 a.m.–9 p.m. Friday–Saturday: 661.245.2941

Koehler’s Cottage Garden: 9 a.m.–7 p.m. Tuesday–Friday and 9 a.m.–9 p.m. Saturday: 661.245.5459

Pine Mountain Community

R&B Hideaway has closed.

PMC Condor Café: Take-out, 8 a.m.–2 p.m. Wed–Sun: 661.242.3788

Perch in the Pines: Take-out food and bottled beer/wine; call for days/hours of service: 661.242.8439

La Leña: Patio dining or take-out, 10 a.m.–8:30 Sunday–Friday and 9 a.m.–8:30 p.m Saturdays: 661.242.2327

Basecamp: Patio dining and take-out (or home delivery for $3.50 fee), 11 a.m.–8 p.m. Wed–Sat, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Sun: 661.242.2709

Lake of the Woods

Mike’s Pizza: Indoor and patio dining, and take-out, 11 a.m.–8 p.m. Sunday–Thursday and 11 a.m.–9 p.m. Friday–Saturday: 661.245.2941


Los Piños Mexican Restaurant: Open for outdoor dining or take-out, 11 a.m.–8:30 p.m. daily: 661.248.1148

China Red House: Take-out, 10 a.m.–9 p.m. daily: 661.350.1172


Ongoing and Upcoming

• Pine Mountain Club POA’s exterior home decorating contest is on! Call 661.242.3788 to enter, and for more information.

• It’s that time of year, when Resident Permits can make snow season a bit easier. When CHP sets up the snow chain check line, you can be waved through if you display one. Issued by Mountain Communities Chamber of Commerce they are available for $5 each (and you must also show proof of residence), at:
Ace Hardware: 3320 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park
Rescued Treasures Thrift Store: 3538 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park
Ridge Route Communities Museum: 3515 Park Drive, Frazier Park
Kung Foo San Soo Studio: 7025 Cuddy Valley Road, Suite 1, Lake of the Woods
Mountain Memories: Call 661-623-2340 or email info@FrazierFiestaDays.org.

• Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in the Mountain Communities are happening by Zoom at their regular times. For meeting call-in information, call Dave at 661.406.5816, or text 661.748.9525.

• Virtual Narcotics Anonymous and Al-Anon meetings are available during the covid-19 crisis. For NA, go to www.kcna.org/meetings.html or submit a ‘Join group’ request at the private ‘Quarantine NA-Kern County’ Facebook group. For Al-Anon, visit the Al-Anon WSO virtual meetings webpage at al-anon.org/al-anon-meetings/electronic-meetings/ or the ‘Al-Anon WSO’ Facebook page.

At the Frazier Park Library

Our library is now open, by appointment only. Arrange an appointment online at www.kerncountylibrary.org or call the headquarters branch at 661.868.0700.

Meanwhile, eLibrary allows access to the digital collection. At kerncountylibrary.org/elibrary/ find: OverDrive for eBooks and eAudiobooks. Each title can be checked out for 21 days. Up to 30 titles can be checked out at a time.

Hoopla for eBooks, eAudiobooks and comic books. Stream movies, television and music. Each title can be checked out for 21 days. During this closure, you can take out up to 6 items a month!

RBDigital for eAudiobooks, up to 21-day checkout, and up to 10 titles at a time.
CloudLibrary for eBooks. Each title can be checked out for 14 days, with three titles at a time. Titles can be requested and customers are notified of download availability once a title is returned.




Every Monday
•Qi Gong class 10–10:45 a.m. Frazier Mtn. Park Community Center, FP. Free. Instructor is Mary Miller (661.245.3456)
•Senior Exercise 11 a.m. Frazier Mtn. Park Community Ctr Senior Rm, FP (661.245.1992)
•Frazier Mountain Quilters at Frazier Mtn. Park Senior Center
10 a.m.–3 p.m., FP. All needle crafts welcome. (Laverne 661.248.0487)
•Al-Anon Meetings 6:30–7:30 p.m. Family Res. Ctr mtg room (3015 Mt. Pinos Way), FP (661.245.2557)
•Meals on Wheels Distribution (also Wednesday, Friday) 661.245.1952

Every Tuesday
•Family Story Time 11:30 a.m. at Frazier Park Library (661.245.1267)
•Canasta, Frazier Mtn. Park Community Ctr Senior Room,1 p.m.
•Girl Scout Troop 3613 Meeting 5:15 p.m. Family Resource Ctr mtg room (3015 Mt. Pinos Way) FP
•Alcoholics Anonymous meeting (men’s stag) 7 p.m. 3143 San Carlos Trail, FP (661.245.1208)
•Women’s AA Meeting 7–8 p.m.Family Resource Ctr mtg room
3015 Mt. Pinos Way) FP (661.245.2557)
•Square Dancing at Cuddy Hall, 7 p.m. Call Don and Bethel (661.245.1882)

Every Wednesday
•Pine Mountain Christian Community Church Women’s Bible Study at the Activity Center,10 a.m. (661.242.1025), Pine Mtn Village
•Al-Anon Meeting 10 a.m.–11:30 a.m. In PMC, behind gas station, next to gym.
•Chess: All ages welcome 3:30 p.m. Coach Bill Hopper teaches at Frazier Park Library (661.245.1267)
•MyC3 meeting 2–4 p.m. Family Resource Center meeting room, (3015 Mt. Pinos Way) FP 661.245.2557
•Narcotics Anonymous Meeting 7 p.m. Family Resource Center meeting room, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, FP 661.245.2557
• Meals on Wheels distribution (also Mon., Fri.) 661.245.1952

Second and Fourth Wednesday
•Dept. of Human Services 9–11:30 a.m. Family Resource Ctr, FP.
No appt. needed.
•Senior Sack 10 a.m.–12 p.m. Frazier Mtn. Park Community Center 661.245.3409, FP
•Mountain Girls 2:30-4:30 p.m. in Pine Mountain Club; please RSVP (call or text) to 661.808.7959 for location and details.

Every Thursday
•Senior Exercise 11 a.m. Frazier Mtn. Park Community Center Senior Room (661.245.1992)
•Mexican Train Dominoes, Frazier Mountain Park Community Center Senior Rm. 1 p.m. 661.245.1992
•Alcoholics Anonymous meeting (men’s stag) 7 p.m. 3143 San Carlos Trail, FP (661.245.1208)

Every Friday
•Scrappers Quilt Guild 8 a.m.–2 p.m. in Pool Pavilion at PMC Clubhouse
•AA Meeting is 6–7:30 p.m. Family Resource Center meeting room,
(3015 Mt. Pinos Way, Ste. 102) in Frazier Park
•Meals on Wheels distributed (also Monday and Wednesday) 661.245.1952

Every Saturday
•Park Run for Fun 8 a.m., from Frazier Mountain Park parking lot; leashed pets welcome
•Noon meditation and a brief dharma talk at Jizo Peace Center (2012 Pioneer
Way, PMC); call for information, and to confirm it is on: 661.242.6956.
•Bingo 7–9 p.m. VFW Hall, 612 Canada Trail, FP 245.3273
•Narcotics Anonymous Meeting 7 p.m. Family Resource Center meeting room, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, FP 245.2557

First and Third Saturday
•KYIS Knitting Guild meets at PMC Clubhouse Pool Pavilion 1–4 p.m.
•Writers’ Workshop, 1-4, Frazier Park Library.

Every Sunday
•Mexican Train Dominoes and Canasta at the Frazier Mountain Park Community Ctr. Senior Room 1 p.m.
•Pine Mtn. Christian Community Church Youth Group, 5-6:30 p.m., meets at the Activity Center (log cabin), 661.242.1025
•AA meeting 7–8:30 p.m. Family Resource Center meeting room, 3015 Mt Pinos Way, FP

Monthly Events
First Tuesday
•Frazier Park Elementary School PTSO meeting 2:30 p.m. in the staff lounge
•Kern County Search & Rescue, 6:30 p.m. Frazier Mountain Park Community Center, Frazier Park

First Wednesday
•Salvation Army Commodities
11 a.m. Frazier Mtn. Park Community Center (805.727.6808)
•Ukulele jam at FP Library, 5 p.m.

First Thursday
•Congressman Kevin McCarthy’s Frazier Park mobile staff office hours are 10–11 a.m. at the Family Resource Ctr. (3015 Mt. Pinos Way, FP). For an appointment, call 661.327.3611.
•Congressman Kevin McCarthy’s Pine Mountain Club mobile staff office hours are 11:30-12:30 p.m. at the PMC Pool Pavilion (2524 Beechwood Way). For an appointment, call 661.327.3611.
•Assemblyman Vince Fong’s mobile staff office hours mirror Kevin McCarthy’s above: 10–11 a.m. in Frazier Park, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. in PMC.
•Mountain Communities Women in Business (MCWinBiz) meets, 11:30 a.m. at Falcon’s Nest
•AARP potluck meeting 11:45 a.m. at the Frazier Mountain Park Community Center
•Boys & Girls Club Board Mtg, 12 noon, Tejon Mountain Village office (661.663.4281)
•Pine Mountain Village Merchants Assn. meeting is 5 p.m. in the Condor Room, Pine Mountain Clubhouse 661.242.2035
•LOW Mutual Water Co. meeting is at 6 p.m., 7025 Cuddy Valley Rd., #F, Lake of the Woods

First Saturday
•VFW & Auxiliary 11 a.m. VFW Post Hall in Frazier Park

Second Monday
•FMHS Booster Club meets at 7 p.m. at Falcon’s Nest in FP

Second Tuesday
•Gorman Elementary School Board 3:30 p.m. at the school
•Lebec County Water District board meets 7 p.m. (2037 Lebec Rd, Lebec)
• Mountain Communities CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) meets 6 p.m. at Caveman Cavey’s

Second Wednesday
•Ridge Route Communities Museum Board Meeting 2 p.m. at the museum, FP

Second Thursday
•South West Health Care District meeting 6 p.m. Frazier Mountain Community Health Center, Lebec
•Frazier Park Public Utility District board meeting 6 p.m. at office.
•ETUSD School Board 6:30 p.m. Frazier Mountain High School campus in the Condor Academy Building, Lebec (661.248.6247)

Second Friday
•Pine Mountain Town Hall 7–8 p.m. (661.242.3788)

Second Saturday
•Scouts West 4 x 4 Club at Los Pinos, Lebec 10 a.m. (245.3250)
•PMC Clubhouse Task Force meets, 1 p.m., Condor Room

Third Tuesday
•Health Insurance Counseling 10 a.m.–12 p.m. Family Resource Ctr. Meeting Rm, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, FP
•South Kern Cemetery District board meeting 5:30 p.m. Arvin Library, Arvin

Third Wednesday
•Quilting and Crafts, 11 a.m., Frazier Park Library
•El Tejon PTSO meeting 5:30 p.m. Family Resource Center meeting room, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, FP
•Shelter on the Hill Board, Tejon Ranch Natural Resource Bldg. 6 p.m. (661.245.5021) Members & guests

Third Thursday
•McCASA meets 4-5:30 p.m. Family Resource Center meeting room downstairs, FP (661.245.4303)
•ArtFlix at Artworks, free film series, 6:30 p.m. at Artworks Community Gallery, PMV 661.858.3130

Third Friday
•PMC Amateur Radio Club meeting, 6:45 p.m. Call for location 661.242.2211

Third Saturday
•Men’s Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Pine Mtn Christian Community Church Activity Center, Pine Mountain Village
•Pine Mountain Gardeners meet 4–5:30 p.m., PMC Pool Pavilion (Judy Keim 661.242.0817)

Third Saturday (Even months only)
•Ham Radio Testing is at 12 noon at the Frazier Park Library

Third Sunday of each month
The PMC Amateur Radio Club meetings are now held on your amateur radio on the third Sunday of the month at 2 p.m. using the Cerro Noroeste Repeater KC6WRD 70cm 443.075 448.075 +5 MHz FM 94.8. Everyone is welcome to attend! The more members throughout the mountain region, the more prepared our region will be in the event of an emergency.

Fourth Monday
•Piñon Pines Water Board 6:30 p.m. Piñon Pines Community Building, 1001 Coldwater Drive

Fourth Tuesday
•Piñon Pines HOA, 6:30 p.m., firehouse in Piñon Pines.

Last Monday of the month
•Krista Mutual Water Co. board meeting 9 a.m. 3534 Mt. Pinos Way, FP

Last Thursday of the month
•Painting with Pam and Friends, 6 p.m. at Artworks Community Gallery, PMV, $30/person. Refreshments served. Call for reservations: 661.245.3444

Is Your Event Missing? Call 661-245-3794
or email Calendar@MountainEnterprise.com

This is part of the December 11, 2020 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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