Ongoing and Upcoming
•The Club is a teens-only after school program on the Frazier Park School campus, 3:30-–6 p.m., M-F (661.245.3139). All teens are invited to stop in and hang out. Get help with homework and have fun with friends.
•Anita Anderson and the Frazier Park Library welcome all ages for sign language class, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. (3732 Park Dr., FP).
•Does your nonprofit organization need a fund raiser? The last Saturday of every month is up-for-grabs fund raising day at Name Your Price Thrift Store (628 Alhambra Tr., Frazier Park). Staff the store for a day to take home all the day’s proceeds for your nonprofit. Call Alice for details (818.448.9007).
•Bakersfield Vet Center’s Joe Acosta offers a wide range of services to assist vets returning from military to civilian life. Eligible vets and families are served every fourth Thursday of the month, 9 a.m.–2 p.m. at the Mountain Communities Family Resource Ctr. (3015 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park).
•Do you own property in PMC? Find out where your money is going. Attend the open budget meetings in the PMCPOA clubhouse. If assessments may rise, ask why. Workshops are Tuesday, Mar. 4, 6 p.m. and Saturday, Mar. 29, 10 a.m. (2425 Beechwood Way).
Friday, Feb. 21
•Hey You! Family Theater debuts, 3:30 p.m. at the Frazier Park Library (3732 Park Drive, Frazier Park). Children and their families are invited by local actors to explore stories using poetry, music, acting, and storytelling skills. Build your child’s lifelong skills in an interactive and creative way.
Saturday, Feb. 22
•The Frazier Mountain High School basketball program’s fund raiser is 10 a.m.–4 p.m. at the Name Your Price Thrift Store (628 Alhambra Trail, behind Frazier Park Market) for a summer basketball program for Falcons. Shop for thrifty treasures and support school sports.
•Hungry for good food and good company? A no-fund raiser, no-strings-attached free community spaghetti dinner is at the Frazier Mountain Park Community Center 4–6 p.m. (3801 Park Dr., Frazier Park). Free and open to everyone.
•The Mountain Youth Photo Show Opens with a Pizza Party Reception at Work of HeArt Gallery, 6 p.m. The photos are for sale and the youth photographers will be given the funds. All youth photographers, family, friends and the community are invited to celebrate youthful creativity (3011 Mt. Pinos Way in Frazier Park).
•Honor Rosie the Riveter—women who built aircraft during WWII—at Hodel’s Country Dining (5917 Knudsen Drive, Bakersfield) for Minter Field Air Museum’s Founder’s Day Banquet. Major General Arnold Bunch Jr., Commander, Air Force Test Centers will speak. For tickets ($30/person) call 661.654.9159.
Sunday, Feb. 23
•TriCounty Watchdogs seek new participants, a volunteer webmaster and Facebook moderator at a planning meeting, noon at La Sierra Restaurant (3500 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park). If you care about the future of these communities, please join us for a brainstorm over lunch.
Tuesday, Feb. 25
•This is a minimum day for Peak to Peak Mountain Charter students. The School Advisory Council will meet at 2:15 p.m. (3057 Cerro Noroeste Rd., Pine Mtn.).
•PMC Amateur Radio Club meets at 7 p.m. in the Pine Mountain clubhouse Condor Room (2425 Beechwood Way, PMC).
Wednesday, Feb. 26
•It’s All About the Music with Mommy and Me Music Day, 10 a.m. to noon at the Family Resource Center community room (be prepared for the noise)
Thursday, Feb. 27
•Peak to Peak Mountain Charter will hold its board meeting at the school, 5 p.m. (3057 Cerro Noroeste Rd., Pine Mountain).
Friday, Feb. 28
• Peak to Peak Charter School Intent to Enroll forms for the fall 2014-2015 admission lottery are due. Call the office for details (661-364-3811).
Saturday, Mar. 1
•Spay, Neuter and Vaccination Clinic for dogs and cats at Fairmont Market for L.A. residents, 9–4; only $20/ $15 (22847 W. Avenue D, Neenach).
•Condor Group hosts Tejon Ranch Conservancy’s Scot Pipkin, 7 p.m. at PMC clubhouse Pool Pavilion with five-year review of the 2008 Tejon Ranch Conservation and Land Use Agreement (2425 Beechwood Way, Pine Mountain). For more information call Mary Ann Lockhart (661.242.4032).
Sunday, Mar. 2
•Get the details on helping to create a radio station for the entire mountain at the Get the Details meeting, 5 p.m. at the Workshop Loft (16331 Askin Drive, adjacent to the Artisan’s Gallery in Pine Mountain Village). Call 661.242.1583 for details.
At the Frazier Park Public Library
Thursday, Feb. 20
•11:30 a.m. Personal Computer Coach, by appointment: 661.245.1267
•3:30 p.m. Sign Language!
•3:30 p.m. Tail Waggin’ reading tutor by Donna Marie Kuehn & Ginger Snap (ruff!) For appointments (661.245.1267)
•4 p.m. Crochet by Christina Kearns-Brown
Friday, Feb. 21
•3:30 p.m. Family Theatre: “Hey You.” Build lifelong skills!
Saturday, Feb. 22
•9–9:30 a.m. Beginning Piano with Karen Anthony. Call for a four-week session (661.245.1189)
•10 a.m.–2 p.m. Quilt and Chat
•3:30–5 p.m. Community Classics reads Rabelais (see pg.10)
Tuesday, Feb. 25
•11:30 a.m. Family Storytime by Christine Kearns-Brown
•3:30 p.m. Sign Language
Wednesday, Feb. 26
•3:30 p.m. Chess Club, Coach Bill Hopper will teach beginners. All are welcome.
Library hours: Tue., Wed., Thur. 11-7; Fri.-Sat. 9-5
3732 Park Drive, FP— 661-245-1267
Every Monday:
•White Sage Lace Guild, Bobbin lace & tatting 9-3 Liz 242-0619
•Meals on Wheels Distribution (also Wed., Fri.) 245-1952
•Senior Exercise 11 a.m. Frazier Park Community Center 245-1992
•Frazier Mountain Quilters, Frazier Park Senior Center, 12:30-4 p.m. Pam 331-1837
•Florence Cuddy Farm volunteer day is 1-4 p.m. at Cuddy Hall
•Christmas Community Choir all ages 5:15-6 p.m. at the Vineyard Church. More info 242-2321
•Al-Anon Meetings 6:30-7:30 p.m. Healthy Start Meeting room, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park 245-2557
Every Tuesday:
•Family Story Time 11:30 a.m. Frazier Park Library 245-1267
•Canasta, Frazier Park Community Center Senior Room 1 p.m.
•Kern County Search & Rescue 7 p.m. Frazier Park Community Building.
Every Wednesday:
•Pine Mountain Christian Community Church Women’s Bible Study 10 a.m. 242-1025
•OK Farm volunteer day 10-12 noon 3433 Los Padres Dr., FP
•Florence Cuddy Farm volunteer day is 1-4 p.m. at Cuddy Hall
•Chess: All ages welcome 3:30 p.m. Coach Bill Hopper to teach at Frazier Park Library 245-1267
•CrossTrainers at Frazier Mountain Community Center 6:30-8 p.m. 3rd-7th graders (girls 3rd-9th) Coach Rose 248-2004
Every Thursday:
•Scrappers Club 8-2 Pool Pavilion at PMC Clubhouse
•Paralegal at Family Resource Center 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, 245-4303
•Senior Exercise 11 a.m. Frazier Park Community Center 245-1992
•Personal computer coaching 11:30 a.m. Frazier Park Library, 245-1267
•E-Reader help. Call for appt. Frazier Park Library 245-1267
•Mexican Train Domino, Frazier Mountain Park Community Center Senior Rm. 1 p.m. 245-1992
•Awana-All children welcome ages 3 yrs.-6th grade 6 p.m. at Pine Mtn. Christian Community Church
Every Friday:
•AA Meeting is 6-7:30 p.m. Healthy Start meeting room, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, Ste. 102, Frazier Park
Every Saturday:
•Yard Sale Show, Channel 14 Cable show at 7 a.m. 245-2688
•Reading of the Greek drama 5-6:30 p.m. Frazier Park Library
•Bingo 7-9 p.m. VFW Hall, 612 Canada Trail, FP 245-3273
Every Sunday:
•Strolls with the Sierra Club. Meet at PMC Clubhouse parking lot 8-9:30 a.m. 242-0432
•Mexican Train Domino and Canasta at the Frazier Park Community Center Senior Room 1 p.m.
•Youth Group (7th -12th grades) at Pine Mountain Christian Community Church, 5-7 p.m. 242-1025
1st & 3rd Thurs: Crochet 4 p.m. Frazier Park Library 245-1267
2nd & 4th Wed: Dept. of Human Services 9:30-11:30 a.m. Family Resource Center. No appt. needed.
•Senior Sack 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Frazier Park Community Center 245-3409
2nd & 4th Sat: Veterans Support Group 7 p.m. near Midway Market upstairs in LOW 245-4269
First Mon: Pine Mountain Village Merchants 9 a.m. Mil Potrero
Mutual Water Company 242-4022
First Wed: Salvation Army Commodities Distribution 10:30 a.m. Frazier Park Community Center 245-3995
First Thu: Boys & Girls Club board meeting,12 noon, Tejon Mountain Village office 661-663-4281
•LOW Mutual Water Co meeting is 7 p.m. at Cuddy Hall
First Fri: Red Hat Society Frazier Mountain Mommas 9 a.m.
Call Kay for place 245-2673
•Drum & Sound Circle
6:30-8:30 p.m. PowWow Lodge,
2400 Ironwood Dr., PMC 242-1779
First Sat: VFW & Ladies Auxiliary 11 a.m. VFW Post Hall
•KYIS Knitting Guild meet at PMC Clubhouse Pool Pavilion 1-4 p.m.
•Sierra Club Condor Group
6:30 p.m. Pool Pavilion, PMC
Clubhouse 242-0423
Second Tues: Gorman School Board 3:30 p.m. at the school
•Lebec County Water District board meeting, 7 p.m.
2037 Lebec Road, Lebec
Second Wed: Ridge Route
Communities Museum board
meeting 6 p.m. at the museum
Second Thu: Assemblywoman Shannon Grove’s mobile office hours 10-11 a.m. Family Resource Center, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, FP Appt. Javier at 661-395-2995.
•Congressman Kevin McCarthy’s mobile office hours are 10-11 a.m. at the Family Resource Center, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park. For an appointment call Vince at 661-327-3611
•South West Health Care District meeting 6 p.m. Frazier Mountain Community Health Center
•Pinon Pines Water Board 6:30 p.m. Firehouse
•Frazier Park Public Utility District board meeting 6 p.m. at office.
•ETUSD School Board 7 p.m.
Frazier Mountain High School
campus in the Continuation
Room 248-6247
Second Fri: Pine Mountain Town Hall 7 p.m. Info call 242-3788
Second Sat: Scouts West 4 x 4 Club at Caveman Cavey’s 10 a.m. 245-3250
•Warped Yarns Spinning and Weaving Guild in Pinon Pines.
Call Holly at 245-2489 or
Mary 242-7005 for location.
•Pine Mountain Christian Community Church Ladies Potluck Brunch. Call Linda Rivette at 242-1618 for details and location.
Third Mon: Mobile Medical
Clinic. Free. 15011 Lockwood
Valley Road. Chico Larson at Sheriff’s maintenance yard
10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Third Tues: South Kern Cemetery District board meeting 5:30 p.m. Arvin Library,
Third Wed: Shelter on the Hill board, Tejon Ranch Natural Resource Bldg. 6 p.m. 245-5021 Members & guests
•AARP Board meeting 9:30 a.m. Frazier Park Senior Center. Shirley 245-1782
Third Thu: McCASA Meeting 5 p.m. Family Resource Center meeting room downstairs. For more info call 245-4303
Pine Mountain Gardeners meeting 7 p.m. in the PMC Pool Pavilion. For more info call Erik Sluyter 242-6960
This is part of the February 21, 2014 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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