For listing in the newspaper and online, send community events by Thursday at 2 p.m. to or call 661.245.3794
Thursday, March 31, 2022
• The AARP Frazier Park Chapter Senior Exercise program continues every Monday and Thursday, 11 a.m.–noon. This program is held at the Frazier Park Community Center (3015 Mt. Pinos Way #201, FP). Annual dues for the chapter are $5, and are payable upon attendance. If you have questions, call Beth Gomez (chapter president) at 661.245.5472.
Friday, April 1, 2022
• Open Mic Night is 6 p.m., at La Sierra Mexican Restaurant (3500 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park). Sing, play an instrument or read a poem.
Saturday, April 2, 2022
• The Earth Organization hosts ‘How to Make Your World a Happier Place by Giving Back!’, 2–3:30 p.m. at the CoEco Ambassador’s Club in PMC (16215 Askin Dr., Suite 201, Pine Mountain Club, above Bear Claw Bakery). This event is for students 7-10 years old. Parents are encouraged to attend. Hear wildlife rescue stories and learn how ‘cooperative ecology’ can make life more fun. The cost is just $5 per student, while parents are free. Call Natalie at 747.221.2225 to reserve a spot by Friday, April 1.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
•Kids Korner, a new after school program for ages 7–12, is every Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. at Frazier Park Library (3732 Park Drive, Frazier Park). This program is designed to provide support for homework help and activities like arts and crafts, science experiments and games. Not all activities are provided each week. Visit the KCL-Frazier Park Library Branch on Facebook for more information.
Wednesday April 6, 2022
• Ukulele Jam, a fun session for ukulele enthusiasts of all skill levels, is the first Wednesday of every month, 4–6 p.m. at Frazier Park Library (3732 Park Drive, Frazier Park). Play along, sing along, or just enjoy the merriment. (See Spotlight for more details.)
Ongoing and Upcoming
• Come enjoy Mile High, a new band on the mountain, Thursday, April 7, 6 p.m., at La Sierra Mexican Restaurant (3500 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park). The free live music to accompany your nachos will include a cool mix of rock and country spanning six decades.
• Learn ways to prepare for wildfire at the Community Wildfire Preparedness meeting, Saturday April 9, 10 a.m., in the Condor Room of the PMCPOA Clubhouse (2524 Beechwood Way, PMC). This is presented by the PMCPOA Emergency Preparedness Committee, PMC CERT and the Fire Safe Council, with Kern Co. Fire Department and the U.S. Forest Service. Stop in for a short film, free refreshments and fun door prizes.
• The Wildlands Conservancy’s Ethnobotany Hike is Sunday, April 10, 10 a.m.–12 p.m. at the Wind Wolves Preserve (16019 CA-166, Bakersfield, CA 93311). Learn about the many used of local plants, from food and medicine to transportation and shelter. This hike is recommended for those ages 8 and up. Visit for more details. Registration is open now, but space is limited.
• The second installment of Kern County property taxes is due Monday, April 11, by 5 p.m. Installments not paid by this deadline are subject to a 10% late penalty and $10 delinquency fee. Payments must be made in person, electronically, or postmarked before April 11. For payment methods and more information, visit the Treasurer-Tax Collector’s website at, call 661.868.3490.
• Get to know your numbers at Let’s Get Healthy Kern County’s free health screening program, Thursdays beginning April 14, 3–4 p.m. at Frazier Park Library (3732 Park Drive, FP). Learn your BMI, blood glucose, blood pressure, cholesterol, and how to monitor these numbers over the course of this seven-week program. This is open to the public. Those attending the initial screen will receive a free KYN T-shirt!
• Join the In-N-Out Cover to Cover Club now through April 16. In partnership with Kern County Library, this program promotes reading with kids ages 4–12, who will be awarded a free cheeseburger or hamburger for every 5 books read, up to 3 awards per child for a total of 15 books. Visit Frazier Park Library or sign up through the Beanstack app that can be downloaded through Google Play or the Apple Store on smart devices.
• Join The Wildlands Conservancy’s Wind Wolves Preserve for the Eco Explorer guided hike, Saturday, April 16, 1–3 p.m. along the San Emigdio Canyon Trail (16019 CA-166, Bakersfield, CA 93311). Experience the natural wonders of the preserve with guidance from the Wind Wolves Preserve naturalists. This hands-on science activity and guided hike is for early school-aged children ages 6 to 9. Registration opens April 2. Visit for more information.
• The Mountain Neighbors Earth Day event is Friday, April 22, 4–6 p.m. at Frazier Mountain Park (3801 Park Drive, FP). Join the celebration with children’s activities, music, refreshments, native edibles, recycling and giveaways. Contact Elke at for information.
• A Botanical Tour of the San Emigdio Mountains Region talk with Pam De Vries is Saturday, April 23, 10:30 a.m.–noon, in the Condor Room of the Pine Mountain Club clubhouse (2524 Beechwood Way, PMC). This talk is sponsored by the PMC Gardeners Club and serves as a fundraiser for the Lockhart Native Plant Garden. For more information contact
At the Frazier Park Library
Library hours: Tues. through Thurs., 11–6 p.m. • 3732 Park Drive, FP • 661.245.1267
Thursday, Mar. 31
•12 p.m. Quilting & Crafts
•12:15 p.m. Storytime & Crafts
Tuesday, Apr. 5
•3:30 p.m. Kid’s Korner
•4:30 p.m. Lego Mania
Wednesday, Apr. 6
•12 p.m. Toddler Time
•4 p.m. Ukulele Jam
Thursday, Apr. 7
•12 p.m. Quilting & Crafts
•12:15 p.m. Storytime & Crafts
Every Monday
•White Sage Lace Guild, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. PMC pool pavilion (661.245.1992)
•Senior Exercise ,11 a.m. Frazier Mtn. Park Community Ctr Senior Rm, FP (661.245.1992)
•Meals on Wheels Distribution, (661.245.1952)
Every Tuesday
•Kid’s Korner, 3:30 p.m., Frazier Park Library, FP (661.245.1267)
•Lego Mania, 4:30 p.m., Frazier Park Library, FP (661.245.1267)
•Square Dancing at Cuddy Hall, 6:30 p.m., Call Don and Bethel (661.245.1882)
Every Tuesday and Thursday
•Walt & Pam, 6 p.m. at La Sierra Mexican restaurant (3500 Mt. Pinos Way, FP).
Every Wednesday
•Pine Mountain Christian Community Church Women’s Bible Study at the Activity Center,10 a.m., Pine Mtn Village, (661.242.1025)
•Pine Mountain Christian Community Church Men’s Bible Study in the Library, 10 a.m., Pine Mountain Village, (661.242.1025)
•Morning Yoga, 10:30 a.m., Frazier Park Library, FP (661.245.1267). Bring your own mat.
•Meals on Wheels distribution, (661.245.1952)
Second and Fourth Wednesday
•Senior Sack, 10 a.m.–12 p.m., Frazier Mtn. Park Community Center, FP (661.245.3409)
Every Thursday
•Senior Exercise, 11 a.m., Frazier Mtn. Park Community Center Senior room, FP (661.245.1992)
•Children’s Circle, 11–11:55 a.m., Frazier Park Library, FP (661.245.1267)
•Quilting and Crafts, 12 p.m.
Every Friday
•Meals on Wheels distribution, (661.245.1952)
•Cary Park, 6 p.m. at La Sierra Mexican restaurant (3500 Mt. Pinos Way, FP) except the first Friday of the month.
Every Saturday
•Pine Mountain Club Property Owners Association Board of Directors meeting, 10 a.m., in the Condor Room. (661.242.3788)
•Meditation, 12 p.m., Jizo Peace Center (818.834.5925).
Every Sunday
•Pine Mtn. Christian Community Church service, 10 a.m., and live streamed at (661.242.1025)
First Wednesday
•Salvation Army Commodities, 9 a.m., Frazier Mtn. Park Community Center (805.727.6808)
•Ukulele Jam, 4 p.m., Frazier Park Library, FP.
•ETUSD School Board 6:30 p.m., 3149 San Carlos Trail, FP (661.248.6247)
First Thursday
•LOW Mutual Water Co. meeting is at 6 p.m., 3534 Mt. Pinos Way, FP.
First Friday
•Open Mic Night, 6 p.m. at La Sierra Mexican restaurant (3500 Mt. Pinos Way, FP).
Second Monday
•FMHS Booster Club meets at 7 p.m., online via Zoom.
Second Tuesday
•Gorman Elementary School Board 3:30 p.m. at the school
•Lebec County Water District board meets 6 p.m., online via Zoom.
Second Thursday
•Frazier Park Public Utility District board meeting 6 p.m., online via Zoom.
Third Tuesday
•South Kern Cemetery District board meeting 5:30 p.m. Arvin Library, Arvin
•Piñon Pines Water Board 6 p.m. Piñon Pines Community Building, 1001 Coldwater Drive.
Third Wednesday
•El Tejon PTSO meeting 2:30 p.m., in the Staff lounge, Frazier Park Elementary School, FP (626.391.6380)
•Shelter on the Hill Board, Tejon Ranch Natural Resource Bldg. 6 p.m. (661.245.5021) Members & guests
Third Saturday
•Men’s Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Pine Mtn Christian Community Church Activity Center, Pine Mountain Village
Fourth Tuesday
•Piñon Pines HOA, 6:30 p.m., firehouse in Piñon Pines.
Last Monday of the month
•Krista Mutual Water Co. board meeting 1 p.m., 3534 Mt. Pinos Way, FP and online via Zoom.
Is Your Event Missing? Call 661-245-3794
or email
This is part of the April 1, 2022 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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