Vigil for Deputy Gonzales draws 100 different stories

  • [photo by David Waters]

    [photo by David Waters]

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By Patric Hedlund, TME

Jessica Carabajal was still in a state of quiet disbelief and appreciation Monday, after a candlelight vigil to honor her partner, Deputy Gabriel Gonzales, at the Kern County Sheriff’s Frazier Park substation Saturday, Sept. 25.

Over the course of the evening, about 100 people came out to…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)

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Miranda Brady of the Kern County Sheriff’s Frazier Park substation coordinated a vigil for community members to share their heartfelt condolences with Deputy Gonzales’ family. Here, Jody Parker signs a banner for his children.

At the candlelight vigil Saturday, Sept. 25, members of Deputy Gabe Gonzales’ extended step-family, and his youngest son (in front), shared stories and a prayer at the Frazier Park substation.

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This is part of the October 1, 2021 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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