Mountain Morning Mist and Snow is the entry by Abbe Gore in a national contest. From over a thousand entries, she is one of the 30 semifinalists. You are invited to vote to support her.
Abbe Gore is a finalist with this photo in a contest sponsored by Canon Cameras and filmmaker Ron Howard. Now the public is being invited to participate. You can vote for Abbe by clicking here. You’ll see Abbe’s beautiful photo of mountains around Frazier Park, covered with snow and mists. Look to the right and you’ll see the "vote" button. All votes must be in by Saturday, June 11 at 9 p.m. Pacific time.
Abbe is a graduate of the California Art Institute. She is a longtime resident of Frazier Park who is a well-knwon local artist. The photo is called “Mountain Morning Mist and Snow.”
This is part of the June 03, 2011 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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