Week’s Highs To Be in the 80s—National Weather Service
FRAZIER PARK, CA (Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 7:30 a.m.)—This is a good week to get busy and finish up a lot of those projects that we just can’t seem to get done when it …
Breaking News: First Solar Reportedly Slashes Work Force

NEENACH, FAIRMONT, CA (Sunday, Jan.1,2012 at 5 p.m.)—The report has been confirmed by a worker at the facility. He said about five vans of workers, filled with 12 workers per van, were assembled and told …
Happy New Year from Occupy PMC

PINE MOUNTAIN, CA (December 31, 2011 at 1:51 p.m.)— Occupy PMC sends its greetings and announces it will be planning to Occupy 2012.
Gun Found in Frazier Park …Hear Phone Tip and See Video

By Patric Hedlund with reporting and photos by Pam Sturdevant
The Mountain Enterprise received a breaking news alert at 661-245-NEWS (6397) at 10:50 a.m. Monday, Dec. 26 to say that a gun had been found …
AARP Wishes a Peaceful and Happy New Year to All
Our first AARP general meeting of 2012 will be on Thursday, Jan. 5 at 12 noon in the community hall at Frazier Mountain Park. This is a potluck luncheon, so please bring your place settings.
High Country Gardener Turns Six Years Old
Happy Anniversary!
This charming letter came in this summer from Michelle Maga.
August 13, 2011
Dear Editor:
My very first High Country Gardener column actually ran on the front page of The Mountain Enterprise on …
First Solar, Inc. in Business Turmoil as Building Hitches Hit Neenach, Fairmont Area

By Patric Hedlund Neenach, Fairmont, Carrizo Plains, CA (Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011 at 2 p.m.)— New York financial services and NPR are reporting this morning about upsets at First Solar, Inc. (FSLR on the New …
News and Features
January 2011
Two Vehicle Explosions Rock Frazier Park
Pine Mountain Club CC&Rs Renewed
State of the County Speech Focuses on Energy Jobs
‘Apply Yourself’ is Key to Cash for College
February 2011
Superintendent El Tejon Unified School District
Profile: Katie Kleier
I Love This Job (And p.s. I’m not going anywhere….)
March 2011
In like a lamb…out like a lion?
ETUSD cuts 9.5 teachers, all aides, and FMHS sports programs
Principal Dan Penner gets pink slip and put on leave
April 2011
Teachers in ‘Work Together’ Rally to Bring Back 154 Students
Fairmont Council Settles with NRG
150 Hear about NextEra Wind Farm at Lakes Town Council
Lebec County Water District Explains Need for Rate Increase
High Country Gardener
New Plants for the New Year
The New Year is on the horizon and shiny bright promises for turning over a new leaf or two affix themselves in our minds. As a ...
May 2011
Prom Magic
Mountain Small Biz Development Center Wins A Birthday Present
Might Bullet Train Shoot Across the Grapevine?
June 2011
Students and parents met with ETUSD’s superintendent to seek a way to restore high school sports that were dropped due to budget cuts.
July 2011
Sabers Rattle as Fairmont Chides First Solar for ‘Bullying’
Schimmel Sentenced In Baby Son’s Death
El Tejon Principal and Trustee Resign
$112,500 Awarded to Boys & Girls Club After School Program
Coach Shillig submits a ...
August 2011
Fiesta Days’
Nature Fest
Festival of Books
COWFest Aug. 19-21
Lori Smith Memorial Performing Arts Scholarships Given
Water Problems Plague Los Padres Estates
$3.1 Million FPPUD Upgrade Begins
Health Fair and Free Immunizations
September 2011
Ride to Remember Enters 10th Year
Medical License of Former Local Doctor Revoked
From Neenach to Africa: Neighbors Work to Find Water for African Villages
October 2011
Kim Maggio gets Probation for Animal Cruelty
New Frazier Park
Branch Library Opens
November 2011
Homecoming Victory
Dee Bumgardner (in pink wig) raised $1,000 to help others with expenses of breast cancer treatment.
The stands were full for homecoming. It was cold for the fans, but the team was hot.
...December 2011
A Note of New Year’s Thanks
[From December 30, 2011 issue]—This is the last publication of 2011 for Hometown Publishing. As we bring this year to a close, the faces of more people than we can mention come to mind as ...Top Stories for 2011 and The Year in Photos Special Edition
This is an issue you’ll also want to buy at the newsstands. The Year in Photos is a special edition to look back over the past year. Have a glimpse here and enjoy the hotlinks, ...