Week’s Highs To Be in the 80s—National Weather Service
FRAZIER PARK, CA (Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 7:30 a.m.)—This is a good week to get busy and finish up a lot of those projects that we just can’t seem to get done when it …
Breaking News: 100 Students Demonstrate at High School to Support Bus Driver

UPDATE-FRAZIER PARK (Thursday, Jan. 27 at 7 p.m.)—The mom involved in the original incident has made a statement. you can see it here.
UPDATE-FRAZIER PARK (Thursday, Jan. 27 at 12:30 p.m.)— "There were still …
Breaking News: Alleged Firing of School Bus Driver Becomes Facebook Event; District Denies Incident Occurred; Mom Makes Statement

UPDATE-FRAZIER PARK (Thursday, Jan. 27 at 7 p.m.)—Julie Nichols is angry today. The Frazier Park resident says her son at the high school has been threatened by other students. She says the newspaper, which did …
Breaking News: Federal Judge Dismisses Challenge to Ownership of Tejon Ranch Lands
FRAZIER PARK, CA (Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2011 at 2:15 p.m.)–A lawsuit contesting the ownership of Tejon Ranch land has been dismissed by Federal Court Judge Oliver Wanger of the Eastern District of California in Fresno.
Two Explosions Rock Frazier Park

Two explosions were heard in downtown Frazier Park at about 4:20 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 15 as a camping van was gutted by fire in the parking lot across from Coffee Cantina on Mt. Pinos Way.
Pine Mountain Club CC&Rs Renewed

By Patric Hedlund
A standing ovation was given to the Governing Documents Committee of Pine Mountain Club Saturday, Jan. 15 when the final tally of votes was read on the question of whether to renew …
District Plans Outreach To Homeschoolers
Kleier Fires Construction Manager
Paula Harvey, a teacher at El Tejon School and former curriculum coordinator for the district, is developing a community survey to help El Tejon Unified School District learn more about family …
Energy Groups Rushing into Neenach Area
Breaking News
As we go to press, residents of the Neenach and Fairmont areas of the Western Antelope Valley are being alerted that a meeting is planned Thursday, Jan. 20 by the Fairmont Town Council …
At the Snowflake Ball

Jasmine Wells and Dean Clarkson enjoyed the Frazier Mountain High School Cheerleaders’ Snowflake Ball, Saturday, Jan. 15. About 200 students came. “I liked all the decorations, and they gave out cupcakes,” said Freshman Jessie Wells. …
What Happened to the Grapevine?
By Patric Hedlund
Many have noticed that the once smooth-as-velvet surface of an eight-mile stretch of the Grapevine northbound from Lebec is now as rough as some of Frazier Park’s dirt roads.
It was July …
Creepy Crawlies A Big Hit At Ridge Route Museum

By Patric Hedlund
“Centipedes are disgusting because they like mud,” said Katelyn Bernards, 6, who was quick to add she has one in her personal collection of plastic “creepy crawlies.” She also likes lizards, tarantulas, …
COMMUNITY CALENDAR: Upcoming & Ongoing
Ongoing through January and February
*‘See’s Candy on Sale at the Pine Mountain Clubhouse. Proceeds help support recreation programs for the community’s youth.
- Work of HeART Artist of the month is Martha Casey-Dirker, enjoy …
Breaking News: Mom Makes Statement About Bus Stop Incident
FRAZIER PARK (Thursday, Jan. 27 at 7 p.m.)—Julie Nichols is angry today. The Frazier Park resident says her son at Frazier Mountain High School has been threatened by other students. She says The Mountain Enterprise …
Breaking News: Medevac Helicopter at High School Cancelled
UPDATE—LEBEC (Friday, Jan. 21, 2011 at 6:30 a.m.)—The medevac helicopter has been cancelled. According to FMHS student Joey Teare, a California City junior varsity boys basketball player hurt his knee, possibly dislocating it, during the …
News and Features
Cantina Crowded for Poetry
By Gary Meyer
Coffee Cantina in Frazier Park was packed with over 30 people for Poetry Open Mic, Friday, Jan. 14. Most of them were, of course, poets.
An interesting fact about this monthly ...
Fear Rises that New Pine Mountain Fire Station Is at Risk—Hearing Tuesday, Feb. 1
“We have waited over 30 years for this fire department to be built,” Marcy Warkentin of Pine Mountain told her neighbors Saturday, Jan. 15. She was announcing that they need to be in Bakersfield to ...
Up to $500,000 in Small Biz Tax Write-offs Now
Small businesses can now write-off a larger portion of the cost of new equipment purchases in the year of purchase rather than depreciating the cost over time. This provides an immediate tax benefit.
The Recovery ...
- Family Gives Update on Burned Big Rig Trucker’s Progress
- Commentary: Is it a time warp?
- Are You Keeping Your Teen Safe?
- Counterfeit Bill Passed in LOW
- Host Registration Begins for 2011 National Bible Bee
- New Hours for Mt. Pinos District Visitor’s Center
- Association News: PMCPOA
- New Station Under Fire?
- Snapshot: One Day In The Life Of California Libraries
- Frazier Park Substation Sheriff’s Log
- Hypnosis for Health Program Comes to Town
- For the Record