Final week to enter the drawing for huge spool

Final week to enter the drawing for huge spool

By Gary Meyer, TME

Raw wood cable spools, like the one shown in the photo, sell online for hundreds of dollars—and the tables made from them can sell for…(please see below to view full stories …

Subscribers can place Classified ads for FREE!

Subscribers can place Classified ads for FREE!

FRAZIER PARK, CA (Friday, Oct. 7, 2021 at 2:31 p.m.)—The Mountain Enterprise has announced that subscribers now receive one free non-commercial classified ad per week. This provides $338 per year worth of free ads for …

News and Features

Final week to enter the drawing for huge spool

By Gary Meyer, TME

Raw wood cable spools, like the one shown in the photo, sell online for hundreds of dollars—and the tables made from them can sell for thousands of dollars.

You can win ...