Attorney General takes over Scrivner case

By Gary Meyer, TME
The California Department of Justice confirmed on Friday, May 3, that the State Attorney General’s Office would assume the role of lead prosecutor in the case surrounding Kern County District 2 …
More new faces join Open Mic

By Gary Meyer, TME
Two new artists arrived to perform at Open Mic last week (Friday, May 3). “Mr. Andy Wonderful” stepped out replacing his previous persona, “Blind Zag Boyner.”
Andy Reininger says he actually …
Possible Selves is a rare view of fostered lives

By Gary Meyer, TME
There’s a reason why foster care kids are so misunderstood and why darkness surrounds their existence.
It takes permission from a judge to be able to film foster children and film …
COMMUNITY CALENDAR: Ongoing & Upcoming plus Regular Weekly and Monthly Events
For listing in the newspaper and online, send community events by Thursday at 2 p.m. to or call 661.245.3794
Thursday, May 9
• Yoga Class starts at 12 noon in the PMC …
Lowest cost Fictitious Business Name (DBA) publishing in Kern County announced by The Mountain Enterprise

FRAZIER PARK, CA (Monday, April 8, 2024 at 6:30 a.m.)—The Mountain Enterprise newspaper announced on Monday, April 8, that its Fictitious Business Name publishing fee is the lowest in Kern County. “We’re keeping the cost …
Subscribers can place Classified ads for FREE!

FRAZIER PARK, CA (Friday, Oct. 7, 2021 at 2:31 p.m.)—The Mountain Enterprise has announced that subscribers now receive one free non-commercial classified ad per week. This provides $338 per year worth of free ads for …
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News and Features
Attorney General takes over Scrivner case
By Gary Meyer, TME
The California Department of Justice confirmed on Friday, May 3, that the State Attorney General’s Office would assume the role of lead prosecutor in the case surrounding Kern County District 2 ...
More new faces join Open Mic
By Gary Meyer
Two new artists arrived to perform at Open Mic last week (Friday, May 3). “Mr. Andy Wonderful” stepped out replacing his previous persona, “Blind Zag Boyner.”
Andy Reininger says he actually had ...
Possible Selves is a rare view of fostered lives
By Gary Meyer, TME
There’s a reason why foster care kids are so misunderstood and why darkness surrounds their existence.
It takes permission from a judge to be able to film foster children and film ...