An army of law enforcement rolled into Frazier Park

By Gary Meyer, TME
According to Glendale Police Department Lieutenant Joshua Wofford, he and a team of three dozen officers, including SWAT units, were not at Falcon’s Nest Wednesday, May 10, to order lunch.
The …
Lilac Festival returns after three years off

By Gary Meyer, TME
If withdrawals from your addiction to the annual Lilac Parade have been wearing you down—then it is time to celebrate!
Lilac Festival is back, and it starts this Saturday at…(please see …
Manhunt in Frazier Park, Monday, leads to arrest

By Gary Meyer, TME
A burglary suspect who was seen Sunday, May 14, on security cameras at a home on Highway 138 in Gorman may be the same man who was spotted in Frazier Park …
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For listing in the newspaper and online, send community events by Thursday at 2 p.m. to or call 661.245.3794
Thursday, May 18
• American Jukebox plays their repertoire of classic country on …
Lowest cost Fictitious Business Name (DBA) publishing in Kern County announced by The Mountain Enterprise

FRAZIER PARK, CA (Monday, April 8, 2024 at 6:30 a.m.)—The Mountain Enterprise newspaper announced on Monday, April 8, that its Fictitious Business Name publishing fee is the lowest in Kern County. “We’re keeping the cost …
Subscribers can place Classified ads for FREE!

FRAZIER PARK, CA (Friday, Oct. 7, 2021 at 2:31 p.m.)—The Mountain Enterprise has announced that subscribers now receive one free non-commercial classified ad per week. This provides $338 per year worth of free ads for …
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News and Features
An army of law enforcement rolled into Frazier Park
By Gary Meyer, TME
According to Glendale Police Department Lieutenant Joshua Wofford, he and a team of three dozen officers, including SWAT units, were not at Falcon’s Nest Wednesday, May 10, to order lunch.
The ...
Lilac Festival returns after three years off
By Gary Meyer, TME
If withdrawals from your addiction to the annual Lilac Parade have been wearing you down—then it is time to celebrate!
Lilac Festival is back, and it starts this Saturday at 9 ...
Manhunt in Frazier Park, Monday, leads to arrest
By Gary Meyer, TME
A burglary suspect who was seen Sunday, May 14, on security cameras at a home on Highway 138 in Gorman may be the same man who was spotted in Frazier Park ...