Martin Kegel caught himself another whopper last week—and he showed us the proof that this one didn’t get away.
By Cat Buckles
“Do you remember me?” the impish smile beneath the red fishing cap said as it walked into The Mountain Enterprise office last week.
We did: Martin and Rosie Kegel donated a bulging sack of pop-tops to our Ronald McDonald House collection box a few months ago [Happiness is a Full House, October 9, 2009]. Donations are still being accepted at the newspaper office.
“I have an even bigger one to show you.” the Frazier Park man said.
About a year ago, he brought in a photo with a giant Rainbow trout weighing in at an estimated 17 pounds [Martin Kegel Hooks a Whopper, pg. 1, February 27, 2009].
Last week, on January 14, Kegel caught an even bigger fish at Lake Evans in Buena Vista Park, the very same place he caught the first.
Kegel struggled to lift and show off his new prize.
“It’s well over 17 pounds,” he smiled proudly. “For the first three hours I caught nothing. When I hooked it, my heart was racing.” He and Rosie planned a celebration feast that night.
This is part of the January 22, 2010 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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