There is plenty of fun in the snow even if plowing falls behind. This giant snowball was created on Askin Way Wednesday. The photo sent by Judy Kaiser shows Nick Hattorff in blue, in red is Ben Goldberg, on far left Kyle Valmassy and in the back is Nick Scheenstra. [Goldberg photo]
PINE MOUNTAIN (Thursday, Jan. 21, 2010, 12:30 p.m.)—Jerry Fossler has been replaced as manager of the Pine Mountain Club Property Owners Association (PMCPOA) this week. Lori McChesney, former administrative assistant, is serving as the acting manager. Mary Hansen says the board is actively seeking a replacement and "we are on the fast track."
Residents have begun to raise concerns about being snowed in. Plowing of ancillary streets such as Bernina and Zermatt, arteries to connector streets to reach the village and Mil Potrero Highway, appears to have been delayed. Snow buildup has increased significantly.
This is part of the January 22, 2010 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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