Top, students in Toby Brault?s third grade class write stories about inauguration day. Bottom (l-r) third grade students watch coverage of the inauguration, Tuesday, Jan. 20 and Kayla Goudeau?s story.
Students in Toby Brault’s third grade class watched the presidential inauguration at school on Tuesday, as Barack Obama took his oath of office as 44th president of the United States.
Afterward the students wrote stories about the inauguration they had seen.
Kelly Stegeman wrote, “At Washington, D.C. there is a parade for the new President Barack Obama. He is the 44th president in the United States of America. Today he is going to do a speech. Barack Obama is the first black president of the United States of America.”
Kayla Goudeau wrote, “Our new president Barack Obama is very lucky to be president and he gets to live in the White House. He is having an inauguration and it is huge. There is a lot of people. He is making a speech with more than 300 words. He is the 44th president.”
Kyle Gastineau said, “I feel excited about what he’s going to do with changes.”
Sash Johnston said, “I feel excited to have a new president and to have the first African- American president.”
Nick Etheridge had more on his mind than a new president, “I feel excited that we have a new president, and I feel excited that my baby sister is going to be born.” Nick’s sister was expected possibly on inauguration day.
Homework was assigned. Students were to report on their Weekly Reader feature about the Obama family’s move to the White House.
Return to: Inaugeration Fever Keeps Them Warm
This is part of the January 23, 2009 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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