Maggie Van Ostrand
It’s the real McCoy. It appears to be engraved (though one can tell no longer if it’s a real engraving or a facsimile—and it would be unlike Obama to spend that kind of money). It’s on thick off-white paper with raised letters.
At the top is a round golden seal with Inauguration of President and Vice President, the capitol building raised in gold with banner “Obama/Biden” and beneath that and of equal size is the American eagle with shield and wheat, and 2009 beneath everything.
This is a moment, our moment, that I have never experienced. Not since I was a kid have I felt patriotism of such intensity.
I’m also doing my Day of Service as Obama requested. Nationwide, people are doing something for their fellow man, from mentoring at-risk youth, to giving blood, to donating food, to reading to seniors, to singing for bedridden patients, to picking up trash on the highway, to scrubbing graffiti off walls and, well you can just imagine.
I went to the link to find the closest place for 93225 and 93222 to find what we can do to help (www.USAservice. org/calltoservice) then assisted a homeless shelter
—Maggie Van Ostrand, Pine Mountain
Return to: Inaugeration Fever Keeps Them Warm
This is part of the January 23, 2009 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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