News Alert: Free Cinders Available for Slick Roads

UPDATE: FRAZIER PARK (Thursday, Jan. 21, 2:40 p.m.)—Tom Cadd has explained how he uses the cinders: "People should carry some of these cinders in a bucket when they drive. If they have a problem they can stop and use it. Or they should put it down in areas where there are slipping problems. The bus that had problems the other day should have had some on board. The county should be putting it down in our bad areas."

FRAZIER PARK (Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2010, 2:30 p.m.)—The following locations are open today where local residents can get free cinders for personal use:

Ace Hardware, 3320 Mt. Pinos Way, will be open their regular hours today (6 p.m.). Cinders are located in their "lower yard."

Alpine Lumber, 3521 Mt. Pinos Way, will be open today until their regular closing time as well (5:30 p.m.). Cinders will be accessible in their yard until then.

Frazier Park Public Utility District ("the water company"), 4020 Park Drive, will be closing early today. However, residents can call the office phone number (245-3734) and their answering service will get ahold of Johnny Allison, who’s on call, and he’ll let anyone in who needs to get cinders inside the district’s locked yard.

Thanks to the generosity TXI Pacific Custom Materials and Hagler Trucking for providing and distributing the cinders to the above and other Frazier Park locations in mid-December during our last snowstorm. Tom Cadd, Leslie Long and Chuck Woerner worked with The Mountain Enterprise to coordinate this service.

This is part of the January 22, 2010 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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