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Pine Mountain Learning Center’s eager students asked good questions at career day. Top, the Grade 1-2 Bluejays (Mrs. Susan Bates).Image 2 of 3
Pine Mountain Learning Center’s eager students asked good questions at career day. Above, Grade K-1 Hummingbirds (Mrs. Terry Page)Image 3 of 3
Grade 3-4 Falcons (Mrs. Carolyn Schwantes) during Career Day at Pine Mountain Learning Center shows their copies of The Mountain Enterprise and told their own stories. [Not shown, Grades 5-6 Quails, taught by Mrs. Emily Lee. The Quails interviewed each other and discussed the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How questions of journalism.]
There were ponies, a stethoscope, recycling expertise and an investigative reporter on the beat Friday, May 25 for Pine Mountain Learning Center’s Career Day. Professionals in the fields of medicine, waste management, equestrian sports and journalism answered students’ excellent questions about the worlds of work covered by the visitors: Ellen Keowen-Cox, Waste Management Technician with Kern County Waste Management Department; Sharon Bonfield, Horse Trainer, Riding Instructor, Owner, Bonfield Farm; Robert Martinez, Family Practice Physician at Frazier Mountain Community Health Center; and Patric Hedlund, Editor, The Mountain Enterprise and The New Mountain Pioneer, for Hometown Publishing.
This is part of the June 01, 2012 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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