Pot Farm Busted Near Frazier Park

FRAZIER PARK (Friday, Sept. 18, 2009, 3:48 p.m.)—On September 18, 2009, at about 7:00 a.m., deputies from the Kern County Sheriff’s Office Major Violators Unit with assistance of officers from the Campaign Against Marijuana Planting (C.A.M.P.) and Federal Agents with the U.S. Forest Service, located a marijuana grow approximately three miles west of Frazier Park, in a remote area in the Los Padres Mountains.

A helicopter was utilized to transport the officers into the area due to the rough terrain. No suspects were located during this operation. Officers located two camp sites within the grow containing ammunition and materials used to maintain the marijuana.

The camps were dismantled and removed from the area. Approximately 16,702 mature marijuana plants with an estimated street value of $66,808,000.00 were removed from the area by helicopter.

—Based on Kern County Sheriff’s Report


This is part of the September 18, 2009 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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