UPDATE–FRAZIER PARK, CA (Monday, March 27, 2017 at 3:20 p.m.)—Frazier Park Public Utility District (FPPUD) confirmed today that the Boil Water Notice has been lifted. According to the State Water Resource Control Board, it is safe to drink the water from the FPPUD system. See the notice at right.
FRAZIER PARK, CA (Monday, March 20, 2017 at 11:45 a.m.)—Frazier Park Public Utility District (FPPUD) confirmed today that the Boil Water Notice is still in effect. They will notify affected customers by distributing fliers to each home when the Boil Water Notice is lifted.
FRAZIER PARK, CA (Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 2:05 p.m.)—Frazier Park Public Utility District (FPPUD) issued a Precautionary Boil Water Notice before a planned water outage that will take place on Friday, March 17. The outage is necessary while repairs are made on a line serving multiple locations in Frazier Park. Customers residing in the locations listed below could be affected by the planned water outage on Friday for approximately twelve (12) hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Following water line repairs, contamination of the water supply is possible. Customers are advised to boil water before drinking or cooking for at least one (1) minute. See the notice at right.
Customers in the following locations will be affected by the water outage:
Laurel Ave, North End Trail, Los Padres Drive (between Mt. Pinos and Buena Vista), Escolon Trail, Glendale Trail, Alhambra Trail, Laguna Trail, Pasadena Trail, Catalina Trail, San Miguel Trail, Santa Rosa Trail, Lomita Trail, Santa Cruz Trail, Anacapa Trail, Avalon Trail, Pomeroy Trail, Park View Trail, Arroyo Trail, San Fernando Trail, Buena Vista Trail; the fo1lowing houses on Elm Trail, 616, 624, 628, 629, 633, 700, 701, and 4121, and also 4108 Park Drive and 4112 Park Drive.
FPPUD Manager Jonnie Allison sent this note:
“Here’s a copy of the precautionary boil notice that we are issuing today and tomorrow in preparation of our making permanent repairs to the 8″ steel line going across the creek. That’s the line that was torn our during the storm and has just a temporary fix right now. We will be making repairs Friday morning and through out the day.”
This is part of the March 24, 2017 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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