Lebec, Frazier Park, Gorman, Cuddy Valley, Lockwood Valley, Piñon Pines, Pine Mountain Club, CA (Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019 at 10:15 a.m.)—The Southern California Edison Outage alert for maintenance on Thursday, Oct. 24 at 9 p.m. through Friday, Oct. 25 at 5 a.m. has been cancelled due to unanticipated events, most likely the high “fire weather” winds that are forecast during the latter portion of this week.
Those winds are the reason for a public safety power shutoff during this same period. That shutoff may occur throughout the Mountain Communities at any time.
Please remember to keep your phones and computers charged and your gas tank full tor safety. We are also advised to keep a store of drinking water on hand. Those using electric powered health aids, such as those on oxygen, must make plans to be safe during an outage.
This is part of the October 25, 2019 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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