Over 100 workers and community members showed up to express their concerns and to seek factual answers from First Solar, Inc and L.A. County about Antelope Valley Solar Ranch One (AVSR1) at a meeting at Fox Field airport west of Lancaster June 5. [Patric Hedlund photo for The Mountain Enterprise]
FOX FIELD / LANCASTER, CA (June 5, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.)—About 90 laid-off workers from Neenach, Fairmont, Lake Hughes, Frazier Park and Lebec showed up at a meeting between rural town councils, First Solar, Inc. and a Los Angeles County official on Tuesday at Fox Field airport. Most of the Antelope Valley Solar Ranch One (AVSR1) workforce was told to turn in their badges and go home on Friday, May 25. They were told not to come back on Monday.
The group that assembled Tuesday, June 5 wanted information about the progress of negotiations between the company and county inspectors. Construction work at AVSR1 is effectively stopped while the county and First Solar lock horns regarding safety standards at the site. The company’s photovoltaic solar modules do not have UL certification, which is required in L.A. County’s jurisdiction.
Read about the story in the print edition of The Mountain Enterprise on Thursday.
This is part of the June 01, 2012 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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