Fire, Ice and the Great Mil Potrero Mashup—Part Two

How Kern County’s negotiation snafu with employees’ union led CHP, tow trucks and over 64 vehicles to be trapped in an ice storm –Part Two (published January 12, 2018) See Part one (published December …
Frazier Mountain’s Freedom Rider

Frances O’Brien decided she needed to help make a difference
By Patric Hedlund, TME
Frances O’Brien of Frazier Park helped to change history in the summer of 1964.
Just after the passage of the …
Three days with a baby cougar

By Teresa LeGault, Cuddy Valley
The last thing I ever expected to see on a Saturday while washing and jump-starting cars was a baby cougar romping across our yard to dive under a vehicle. We …
COMMUNITY CALENDAR: Upcoming & Ongoing plus Regular Weekly and Monthly Events
For listing in the newspaper and online, send community events by Thursday at 2 p.m. to or call 661.245.3794 ___________________________
Friday, January 19, 2018
• A Comedy Night with Larry Omaha is at …
Fire, Ice and the Great Mil Potrero Mashup — Part One

How Kern County’s negotiation snafu with employees’ union SEIU led CHP, tow trucks and over 64 vehicles to be trapped in an ice storm for 15 hours
By Patric Hedlund and Gary Meyer with the …
Breaking News: End Groundhog Day in PMC (scroll down to see OpEd and Editorial)…

UPDATE—Pine Mountain California, CA (Saturday, Jan. 20, 2018)—On Saturday, Feb. 17 the Pine Mountain Club Property Owners Association board voted unanimously to adopt the compromise amendments to PMCPOA bylaws 10.02 and 10.03 which were advocated …
Lowest cost Fictitious Business Name (DBA) publishing in Kern County announced by The Mountain Enterprise

FRAZIER PARK, CA (Monday, April 8, 2024 at 6:30 a.m.)—The Mountain Enterprise newspaper announced on Monday, April 8, that its Fictitious Business Name publishing fee is the lowest in Kern County. “We’re keeping the cost …
Breaking News: Skies and roads are clear; keep chains in the car, and have your resident pass

The Grapevine, Lebec, Frazier Park and Pine Mountain Club, CA (Monday, Jan. 22, 2018 at 6:12 a.m.)—Road surfaces are clear from Mil Potrero Highway to the Grapevine, but it is cold, so melted snow …
Breaking News: Hundreds of vehicles detoured through PMC and Lake of the Woods
LAKE OF THE WOODS, CA (Saturday, Jan. 20 at 8 a.m.)—Keep in mind that the 101 is closed due to damage from mudslide, so rerouting traffic through the mountains and into the I-5 is causing …
Breaking News: Snowplay visitors head for Mt. Pinos

FRAZIER PARK, CA (Sunday, Jan. 21, 2018 at 9:30 a.m.)—Snowplay visitors on their way to the top of Mt. Pinos were required to install snow chains on their vehicles before proceeding up Mt. Pinos Road …
Breaking News: ALL LANES NOW OPEN —- NB Interstate 5 at Smokey Bear Shut Down

UPDATE–Interstate 5, The Grapevine, CA (Monday, Jan. 22, 2018 at 1:32 p.m.)—CHP Newhall Office confirmed for The Mountain Enterprise that the substance was “Food-grade calcium hydroxide, a non-toxic substance which is considered an irritant.”
UPDATE–Interstate …
News and Features
Frazier Mountain’s Freedom Rider
Frances O’Brien decided she needed to help make a difference
By Patric Hedlund, TME
Frances O’Brien of Frazier Park helped to change history in the summer of 1964.
Just after the passage of the ...
Three days with a baby cougar
By Teresa LeGault, Cuddy Valley
The last thing I ever expected to see on a Saturday while washing and jump-starting cars was a baby cougar romping across our yard to dive under a vehicle. We ...
Arts & Entertainment
Law Enforcement
- Sheriff’s Log — January 2 to January 14, 2018
- Fentanyl/heroin/meth seller gets 70 months in federal prison
News Briefs
- SR 33 to be closed for three weeks
- Names for two women killed in Frazier Park fire released
- Southern California Edison sued for Thomas fire and mudslides