Breaking News: ETUSD Special Meeting Friday at 8 a.m.
A ‘Special Meeting’ has been called by El Tejon Unified School District for 8 a.m. on Monday morning at the Condor Academy (on the Frazier Mountain High School campus). The agenda said the trustees plan …
Fire, Ice and the Great Mil Potrero Mashup—Part Two

How Kern County’s negotiation snafu with employees’ union led CHP, tow trucks and over 64 vehicles to be trapped in an ice storm –Part Two (published January 12, 2018) See Part one (published December …
‘Surprise’ Centennial testimony is actually deja vu

Critical Centennial documents missing from Golden Valley Municipal Water District
By Patric Hedlund, TME
If access to healthy water is an urgent issue for every homeowner, homebuyer and home developer in drought-plagued California, access to …
A Class of Superheroes

Maria Calderon was the Salutatorian for the class of 2018—she earned that honor while battling cancer. Her greatest regret was not being able to play basketball, but she managed the team.
Maria’s speech at the …
Our library is cool

Come check out the summer swag By the TME team Libraries didn’t use to have a reputation as fun zones—we’re all familiar with the classic “Shhhhhh.” But it turns out that the most happening spot …
COMMUNITY CALENDAR: Upcoming & Ongoing plus Regular Weekly and Monthly Events
For listing in the newspaper and online, send community events by Thursday at 2 p.m. to or call 661.245.3794 ___________________________
Friday, June 15, 2018
• Kids 7-12, join the Junior Rangers Club! This …
Lowest cost Fictitious Business Name (DBA) publishing in Kern County announced by The Mountain Enterprise

FRAZIER PARK, CA (Monday, April 8, 2024 at 6:30 a.m.)—The Mountain Enterprise newspaper announced on Monday, April 8, that its Fictitious Business Name publishing fee is the lowest in Kern County. “We’re keeping the cost …
News and Features
‘Surprise’ Centennial testimony is actually deja vu
Critical Centennial documents missing from Golden Valley Municipal Water District
By Patric Hedlund, TME
If access to healthy water is an urgent issue for every homeowner, homebuyer and home developer in drought-plagued California, access to ...
A Class of Superheroes
Maria Calderon was the Salutatorian for the class of 2018—she earned that honor while battling cancer. Her greatest regret was not being able to play basketball, but she managed the team.
Maria’s speech at the ...
Breaking News
- Feel depressed? Suicidal? Hotline to hope is open 24 hours/7 days a week
- It’s back! Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage: free retreat offered to veterans at Sequoia National Park
- Young Inventor Wins Prize