Breaking News: Tragedy Strikes Arizona Firefighters
Yarnell, AZ (Sunday, June 30, 2013 at 8:30 p.m.)—It has been reported tonight, Sunday, that 19 firefighters, most from Prescott, AZ, have been killed by the Yarnell Hill wildfire that has also destroyed about 250 …
Breaking News: Rollover accident on Cuddy Valley Road
By Pam Sturdevant
Kern County Search and Rescue were doing a training exercise on top of Mt. Pinos. After the exercise some of the crew headed back down the mountain when they saw an overturned …
Breaking News: I-5 Smokey Bear Road ON and OFF Ramps Closed July 8-July 26
The northbound I-5 Smokey Bear Road on- and off-ramps will be closed Monday, July 8, through Friday, July 26, 2013, while crews place new concrete pavement. For the Smokey Bear Road on-ramp closure, motorists may …
Relay for Life smashes goal

By Patric Hedlund
The first Relay for Life of the Mountain Communities was a powerful event. June Schmidt, who fought breast cancer with stubborn courage and relentless humor, applied those talents to make what she calls “our baby relay” into a smashing success.
Schmidt had strong partners. Dee Bumgardner, Jamie Bauer, Mary Schmidt, Karen Schott, Sylvia Iannucci,
Week’s Highs To Be in the 80s—National Weather Service
FRAZIER PARK, CA (Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 7:30 a.m.)—This is a good week to get busy and finish up a lot of those projects that we just can’t seem to get done when it …
EDITORIAL—Is it something in the water at LCWD?

By The Mountain Enterprise
Last week, residents of Maury County, Tennessee were told they could be arrested as terrorists for complaining about poor water quality. Officials were intending to intimidate. But the water agency quickly backpedaled and apologized for the misstatements made by their colleague.
AARP celebrates our nation’s birthday on Wednesday, July 3

The AARP annual Fourth of July celebration of our nation’s birthday will be on Wednesday, July 3, from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. It will be held at the Frazier Mountain Park community center, in …
Fort Tejon 4th of July

By Karina Mooradian Fort Tejon Historical Association
We hold these truths to be self-evident…that all friends and family are invited to our Fort Tejon State Historic Park Fourth of July celebration. So, pack your picnic …
COMMUNITY CALENDAR: Upcoming & Ongoing plus Regular Weekly and Monthly Events
• Free Summer Lunch Program is from 11 a.m. -1 p.m. through Tuesday, July 2 at Frazier Park Elementary School. Available to all youths, toddlers to 18 years old. For more info call Frazier Park …
News and Features
FBI raids PMC home
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Local WWII Vet remembers D-Day invasion of 1944
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A time of celebration: July 4, 2013
By Congressman Kevin McCarthy (CA-District 23)
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Frazier Park man released after resisting arrest
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New trial for Storz family
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- High Country Gardener—Long lasting ground covers
- Sheriff’s Log
- Valley Voices—Disaster Aid Loans Offered to victims of Powerhouse fire
- Valley Voices—OpEd: Neighbors conspire to benefit their own community
- LOW ‘Plan A’ fails, new wells to be tested
- Teen Advocate Coalition launches
- PMCPOA directors take oath