Interim Mt. Piños District Ranger Adam Bromley, 30, met with community members concerned about healthy forests, healthy habitats and fire safety on November 23. Here is a map he showed of a 1,600 acre forest health project he is exploring. “It is still just an idea,” he told a crowd of 40 at the Chula Vista parking lot at the end of Mt. Pinos Road, near Nordic Base.
At 10 a.m. at the Chula Vista parking lot (where astronomers gather during the new moon) Bromley will hold an open forum to explore a new Healthy Forest Restoration Act project for Mount Piños. In an interview November 15, Bromley said he wants to hear the wishes of the community. He welcomes those interested in a fire safe council, tribal leaders, and everyone with questions, concerns and ideas about this new project. The gathering will discuss the pace and scale of what he calls “restoration activities” in the Mt. Piños District.
Photo captions:
Left: Interim Mt. Piños District Ranger Adam Bromley wants your help in a new fire abatement plan for (above) the pine-fir forest and mountain chaparral on Mt. Piños.
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This is part of the November 22, 2019 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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